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  1. MyrticsYT

    Omg thelegend27 responded!

    Omg thelegend27 responded!
  2. MyrticsYT


  3. MyrticsYT

    Dude Far is a great staff man

    bazer for super owner +!
  4. MyrticsYT

    Apply here https://opblocks.com/forums/staff-applications.18/ But make sure you have 30+ posts...

    Apply here https://opblocks.com/forums/staff-applications.18/ But make sure you have 30+ posts on the forums.
  5. MyrticsYT

    I wOuLd LiKe To CoNgRaTuLaTe YoU fOr BeCoMiNg StAFf!¡

    I wOuLd LiKe To CoNgRaTuLaTe YoU fOr BeCoMiNg StAFf!¡
  6. MyrticsYT

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
  7. MyrticsYT


  8. MyrticsYT


  9. MyrticsYT

    Dude Far is a great staff man

    Kelly, You just earned a clout token!
  10. MyrticsYT


    Welcome back! if you have any question ask me in game @xMyrtics or spam a staff member like @JustACookie.
  11. MyrticsYT

    Dude Far is a great staff man

    Of course you are @M1ghtyMa5on
  12. MyrticsYT

    Dude Far is a great staff man

    I like him and everything but I did see him say he was busy after someone asked him for help. If you are to busy to help people then why be staff.
  13. MyrticsYT

    Dude Far is a great staff man

  14. MyrticsYT

    I love how active you are!

    I love how active you are!
  15. MyrticsYT

    Getting /fly when you already have it...

    You can not trade it in for something else if that was the case then everybody would want to trade in what they got for something better.
  16. MyrticsYT


    See ya bro hopefully I will get unbanned kinda miss the community :(
  17. MyrticsYT

    aren't we all?

    aren't we all?
  18. MyrticsYT

    shh I am just trying to make him feel better :P @CryWorthy

    shh I am just trying to make him feel better :P @CryWorthy
  19. MyrticsYT


  20. MyrticsYT

    I feel all the people on op blocks are going to miss you I am going for an unban right now I had...

    I feel all the people on op blocks are going to miss you I am going for an unban right now I had fun talking to you :(