to a job cause i can make money in school i sit there for free and not learn anything
would you rather be banned but everyone gets unban or you get unban but all banned persons are banned forever
Easy just use hacks or just use health indicators and record a video of catching hackers and helping server and in return get banned ty for reading this unhelpfull tutorial i am kinda mad cause i got banned it is all my fault i know that
what do you mean you didnt get me banned i got myself banned causei recorded the hacker and i didnt even know that i was breaking rules xD
when did i say that i blame the server?
So i got banned cause i could see players health and it is perma ban omg why it should be maximum 30 days if if i created servers and rules i would make it 5 minutes so person have time to delete it if they dont then 7 days and then 30 then 60 and then if he does it again another 60