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  1. dake

    do i actually hack??/ + quitting (not clickbait, actually lol)

    * long yelling list of me still waiting to get some dubberonies with you *
  2. dake

    admins arent supposed to add ****, they're supposed to suggest and keep the community stable. I...

    admins arent supposed to add ****, they're supposed to suggest and keep the community stable. I doubt you could do either of, and also you put the community into ****, so be quiet thanks!!!
  3. dake

    oh hey can i get in on the new internet drama - Ft. egirls, an innocent persons profile page...

    oh hey can i get in on the new internet drama - Ft. egirls, an innocent persons profile page, and some random ass bug abuser!
  4. dake

    Announcement OPBlocks v6 | Update 1.4 - Quest Books, New Titles, New Duel Kits, Sale, & More

    e he he fix something like redstone because it shouldnt be so slow smh
  5. dake

    yr bad at fortnut

    yr bad at fortnut
  6. dake

    Staff VS. Players Event

    hey thats pretty cool but lol no
  7. dake

    Count to 2019 before 2019

  8. dake

    Cringe and nostalgia :)

    yes rsi hit and now noob
  9. dake

    Cringe and nostalgia :)

    l oh wait so i thought it was like 278, im better than i thought!
  10. dake

    i_game32 god he's some old guy now

    i_game32 god he's some old guy now
  11. dake

    I'm Sorry I Had To

    very likes trees : ^)
  12. dake

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  13. dake

    big cutie

    big cutie
  14. dake


    i like watching adult movies. i also like watching child movies i also love it when they're combined
  15. dake

    sand vlg nrd gora

    sand vlg nrd gora
  16. dake

    Temperature Report

    https://gyazo.com/65a90dd132069e8d43ad6521f01acff0 really nice temperature out here in arizona Also, basically take a Screenshot of your temperature in your city/area, and also if you dont want to show that then dont , just show temperatures but im gettin fed up of not getting to go outside...
  17. dake

    Guinea Pig Name Ideas

    Alfredo fettucini
  18. dake

    What do I buy??

    ./autosell doesnt work lol
  19. dake

    When You Yeet

    i yeet on that beat and i go cyka blyat
  20. dake

    Closed Report on gamermc

    2:18 is the only thing that seems really like... not real. other than that it seems fine