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  1. shotzy

    +5760 Creeper Spawners!

    99 stacks of 64 is 6336.....
  2. shotzy

    Aoros... Keep up good work and you should check my plot armory next time your ingame im wanting...

    Aoros... Keep up good work and you should check my plot armory next time your ingame im wanting to hit 1k destroyer sets before v7... sorry for lowkey advertising my plot <3
  3. shotzy


    so i got bored lastnight and expanded my destroyer armory at my plot from 140 originally to a new room with 13+stacks of armor stands. I have raised the price of desteoyer to 10m per armor piece i am wanting to hit 1k sets before v7. First plot go down stairs and the hole is original armory and...
  4. shotzy

    What Should I Do

    A chicken and baby zombie wedding.
  5. shotzy

    Sorry cookie, i will be more careful about commenting in the future, thank you for notifying me

    Sorry cookie, i will be more careful about commenting in the future, thank you for notifying me
  6. shotzy

    im sorry

    Sorry to barge in middle of an argument but, you most likely were not accepted because of lack of detail and support from the community.
  7. shotzy


    Correct, was just stating and example
  8. shotzy


    Nah bro, alot of people put year, month, day, so 1776 2 3?
  9. shotzy

    Destroyer Armor Collection

    UPDATE: Currently need about 30 more sets of armor to complete the current collection before I add more armor stands to another area.
  10. shotzy

    Announcement OPBlocks | Introduction

    I am too new and do not know much about Mr Resilience but I appreciate the help you are giving the server and wish the best of luck with bug fixes and content
  11. shotzy

    Destroyer Armor Collection

    Why do you always seem to belittle everything when you comment
  12. shotzy

    Destroyer Armor Collection

    So for a while i have been collecting destroyer armor sets from chunkies as i find it a waste to throw away and hardly any1 wants to buy them or will even take them. I am buying pieces for 5m/piece at my plot armor only. When all my current stands are full i will expand and add more. P.S...
  13. shotzy

    Suggestion - Server

    One thing that does help is /withdraw all but like 50m-100m money and put in your personal vault if donor or end chest at spawn. Then when people examine your name for money or /money /bal you have not much in the bank.
  14. shotzy

    I listen to the voices in my head...

    I listen to the voices in my head...
  15. shotzy

    Would you rather?

    Would you rather: Punch Floyd Mayweather or Punch a kangaroo
  16. shotzy

    Server down?

    they gotta go through the ungodly amounts of code on the server and find whats conflicting with what and either remove/alter it to work