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  1. LoliAni

    Give up already

    bRo pOsiTiVE ViBeS oNLy UwU
  2. LoliAni

    Enough Slacking Off

    when staff become unwack itll become better
  3. LoliAni

    Give up already

    w a c k
  4. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    bRo iVe cHaNgEd nO tOXiCiTy UwU
  5. LoliAni


    Weird flex but ok
  6. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    toxicity firing everywhere lets be nice and be friends dxnt share some positive vibes uwu
  7. LoliAni


  8. LoliAni

    It's over...

    do u not remember ur little "its so sad im leaving" thread?
  9. LoliAni

    It's over...

    Ur the last person who should tell me that
  10. LoliAni

    It's over...

    Tell us to stop being toxic while acting toxic
  11. LoliAni

    It's over...

    whats the point in even arguing with Vahald, fudging with JustACookie, and just straight up talking here? Its literally dead and theres no point in talking, hes gonna accept every egirl application, and theres nothing WE can do. no one has any want or need to really revive the server, everyone...
  12. LoliAni

    whats the point in even arguing with Vahald , fudging with JustACookie , and just straight up...

    whats the point in even arguing with Vahald , fudging with JustACookie , and just straight up talking here?
  13. LoliAni

    new "rule"

  14. LoliAni


    pHhHHHHhhHhHhHhhhhhHHhHHHhHht funny joke bro
  15. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    now THATS an epic gamer moment
  16. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    most likely
  17. LoliAni

    new "rule"

    staff dont want u uncovering their bs
  18. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    bet Vahald is hotter than u tho kek
  19. LoliAni

    yes's Staff Application

    omg why isnt this been acepted yet ?!?!
  20. LoliAni

    Why is it so dead ):

    show us a pic of ur bf since ur forums profile says ur a girl