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  1. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    43 - You better edit that to be 42
  2. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    41 Im p22 with 14 servants (which isnt really that many tbh) but a bit poggers - 2459!!
  3. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    39 servant key wouldnt be too bad Id take it - also only 2461 away so poggers
  4. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    37 2463 now cant wait for the key and I just get like cow disguise
  5. Chipaway

    Miss you :(

    Miss you :(
  6. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    35 This chat has gone into Ape Mode
  7. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

    33 @Podsea OOOO OOOO AHHH AHHH
  8. Chipaway

    I dislike finals very very much

    I dislike finals very very much
  9. Chipaway

    [OFFICIAL] Counting to 1,500!

  10. Chipaway

    Denied Podsea's Staff Application

    Pod's a great guy, and this app is great. Although my opinion isn't really worth much right now, I think Pod would be a great staff member. Good luck!
  11. Chipaway

    Probably not reading a European History Book like I should be

    Probably not reading a European History Book like I should be
  12. Chipaway

    Fine i'll say what Im reading

    Fine i'll say what Im reading
  13. Chipaway

    About to read about on the history of Chip absolutely destroying flac

    About to read about on the history of Chip absolutely destroying flac
  14. Chipaway

    idk something leave me be bee

    idk something leave me be bee
  15. Chipaway

    Goddessics' first staff application

    Edit, take back my comment lmao
  16. Chipaway

    Chip's Apology

    Thanks Destine. Your support means a lot.
  17. Chipaway

    Chip's Apology

    Hi everyone. So the last couple days have been... interesting to say the least regarding my time on the server. I wanted to make this thread not because I ask for forgiveness or because I want to show everyone I'm a nice guy - I made this because I want everyone to know that my words/actions...
  18. Chipaway

    Goddessics' first staff application

    Tori is a really nice person on the server, and it is a smart decision to add her on staff. Sure she has toxicity here and there but don't we all (kinda). All I can say is +1 for being a nice person and a ceremonial +1 for being a good part of OPB. TBH this is the most honest application I have...
  19. Chipaway

    Probably reading a history book somewhere

    Probably reading a history book somewhere
  20. Chipaway

    Count to 2021 before the year 2021 begins.

    820 (this is basically post farming)