HeY i WaS wOnDeRiNg iF yOu ARe DoINg a GiVeAWaY aNd yOU sHoW iT oN yOuTuBe YOu cAN aDvErTise iT At YoUR pLOt bUt CAn YOu sAy "CoMe tO mY plOT tO eNTer a gIVeaWAy"? If nOT i dOnT gEt wHy bECaUse YoUr nOt aDverTIsiNG yOuR yOUtUbE cHaNnEl. :/ WeLl plEaSe reSoND aND byE
Hey i was wondering if you are doing a giveaway and you show it on youtube you can advertise it at your plot but can you say "Come to my plot to enter a giveaway"? If not i dont get why because your not advertising your youtube channel. :/ Well please resond and bye
Hey i was wondering if you are doing a giveaway and you show it on youtube you can advertise it at your plot but can you say "Come to my plot to enter a giveaway"? If not i dont get why because your not advertising your youtube channel. :/ Well please resond and bye