Dear OPBlocks community,
As many of you may already know I was brought onto the OPBlocks management team by @trkey . Personally, I've been in the talks of joining for a while now, and I'm really happy I did. Unfortunately, recent events have led @Resilience unable to keep up to date with the well being of the server. Already, I can see this community being something different. I've worked for plenty of networks ranging from all different types of game-modes so will have no problem in terms of experience, but for those of you who really want to know - Prison was my favorite.
Now, I understand that updates have been slow for the past month or so and I'd like to apologize on behalf of Res. I however, am here to ensure you that our future is brighter than ever. For those who've talked to me in-game you'll know that to be true. You'll know that my sole purpose of joining the team is to not only bring back OPBlocks to its former glory, but provide a fun friendly experience that we can all share together.
Camcard - a well known player on the server commented on my profile "we legit have had no manager that has commented on ever single post on their profile". Frankly, I find that insane. I respond not because I have to, but more so I want to. I don't want to just be another Manager, but a friend you can rely on or just have a quick chat with. I deeply admire relationships with both players and staff & I pride myself to give you exactly that.
Already, I've been working countless hours into ensuring a lot of the current bugs get fixed and must needed changes occur rather quickly. I can't say that it's going to be easy, because it's not. I can promise you that with your help, we will bring back OPBlocks to its former glory.
I'm not sure what the past Managers have done or said but let's forget that. Let's make our own image, a new chapter in the book of OPBlocks that we can all remember and look back on years from now. Your community is one of the strongest and I deeply admire all of you. I am most definitely proud to not only be the manager of OPBlocks but a member in your community, if you'd let me of course.
Now before I say "until next time", I need your help.
I need YOU, the players of OPBlocks to leave me any suggestions, changes or bugs you have for the server. Whether it is a small change to a rather complex one, I want to hear it. Also, please feel free to introduce yourself below or on my profile here. I'll gladly be answering every comment and look forward to them all.
Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you for reading this entire post and getting a chance to know me. I'll be looking forward to all the memories we soon create. Here's to a new chapter, one that soon will be made.
Until next time,