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Your worst dad jokes

Just... It's exactly what it says.. give us your worst joke ever. I'll start.

“How can you tell if an ant is a boy or a girl?"

They’re all girls, otherwise, they’d be uncles.


Well-Known Member
500 Bricks on a plane. One falls off. How many left?
In 3 simple steps how do you get an Elephant in a fridge?
1. Open the fridge
2. Put the Elephant in the fridge.
3. Close the fridge
In 4 simple steps how do you get a Giraffe in a fridge?
1. Open the fridge
2. Get the Elephant out
3. Put the Giraffe in
4. Close the fridge
The king of the jungle. The Lion. Is having a party and he invites everyone. Everyone comes except who?
The Giraffe because he's in the fridge!
A brave explorer is crossing an Crocodile infested river and walks straight over with no hesitation. How?
All the Crocodiles are at the party!
Once the explorer gets to the other side they drop dead! Why?
A brick hit them on the head!


500 Bricks on a plane. One falls off. How many left?
In 3 simple steps how do you get an Elephant in a fridge?
1. Open the fridge
2. Put the Elephant in the fridge.
3. Close the fridge
In 4 simple steps how do you get a Giraffe in a fridge?
1. Open the fridge
2. Get the Elephant out
3. Put the Giraffe in
4. Close the fridge
The king of the jungle. The Lion. Is having a party and he invites everyone. Everyone comes except who?
The Giraffe because he's in the fridge!
A brave explorer is crossing an Crocodile infested river and walks straight over with no hesitation. How?
All the Crocodiles are at the party!
Once the explorer gets to the other side they drop dead! Why?
A brick hit them on the head!
I question everything in life.