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The Official Freeworld City Page


Active Member
Hello OPBlockers,
As most of you players do not know. There is now a city in free world at the co-ordinates: X: 4600 Z:4600. This is the official page for the city and we will be updating it when things change which is basically every hour.

City Rules/Requirements:
1. One chunk in the city is 50m. 2 = 100m, 3 = 150, etc. I mean you can make your own chunk but we won't add doors to yours like we have to everyone else and you will be denied from every chunk c:
2. We are doing doors when people join frequently so when you're building your base be sure to add me so I can do them, after I do them you can unadd.
3. No killing people via: Sand traps, Lava traps or gravel traps whilst they're afk helping the team.

Breaking rules consequences:
Every player has 3 strikes. Once you are have been strikes 3 times, you're out of the city meaning you may keep your claim but we will remove the doors so basically you're stuck.

City staff:

Owner. @nationalities
Co Owner. @JustACookie
Senior Admin. @DdubsRulez2
Sr Moderator. @FencingGreyhound
Moderator. @M1ghtyMa5on
Moderator. @Mutagnix
Moderator. @CurrentPlayz
Moderator. @Tetris

If you need any help be sure to ask these kind and generous people. In the end all the ideas will end up with Cookie and I.

How this started: This started off when I was searching free world for a place to make a base. I made a base but felt lonely so I invited @JustACookie to come and we both made him a base that is exactly the same as mine just using a different wood.

Cookie and I went offline for a bit then came back and wallah! @DdubsRulez2 had built an oak base right next to ours! Then the next day WALLAH, it became a whole city including hotels and all.

This could be 78 paragraphs long but I don't have that time, I need to study.

Includes: A community spawner room, hotel, lounge, friends ^-^ and tons of fun!

Staff Applications:
We are willing to have more staff so please apply down below.

Format: Username:
Why do you want to be staff in the Freeworld city?:
How active are you 1-10?:
Do you love me?:
If this is answered 'no', you will be automatically denied.


Can you buy me freeworld?: No
Can you pay me money so I get prestige 2?: No
Will you love me?: Yes

Daily news: The free world spawner room is claimed by Unmanaged and Unmanaged is betraying everyone and has denied everyone from it. Obviously this spawner room should be Mutagnix's claim because he bought all the spawners but Unmanaged is immature and is pushing everyones buttons. Unmanaged has also been removed off the staff list.
Last edited:
this is too strict i mean you can't even build on the surface it HAS to be underground which is stupid :/and they charge way to much..


Dedicated Member
Username:Mutants and my alt is jarl73
Why do you want to be staff in the Freeworld city?:I would like to a helper on the village because I find it very relaxing to mess around here and have so many people next to you as a neighbor.
How active are you 1-10?: 8-9
Do you love me? Yes always <3