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Staff Tips & Tricks

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Well-Known Member
Staff Tips & Tricks


|| Table of Contents ||

S.1 / Requirements
S.2 / Application
S.3 / Grammar, Spelling, & Vocabulary
S.4 / Skills
S.5 / Extras
S.6 / Useful Links
S.7 / Experience
S.8 Expectations
S.9 / Maturity
S.10 / Demotions & Denials


Section One - Requirements
If you plan to apply for staff, meet the requirements. Don't apply when you're close to meeting all of them, apply when you've met all of them. It's extremely important that most potential staff members meet all of the requirements as it highers their chances of being accepted by a landslide.

Requirements Overview

* You must be 14 years or older. This is a recommended age however if you show maturity in your application then you will be considered. | I'm going to be bland here, exceptions are rarely made, and if you don't meet this requirement, you really need to show your potential as a staff member even though you may not be as old as most staff members on OPBlocks. You can do this by using good grammar, spelling, and just being mature in general.

* Your ban/mute/warn history must be either clean or relatively clean within the last month. | This is simple, really. Staff members are expected to enforce the rules and if you're breaking them you obviously aren't ready to be giving out punishments.

* You must not use a VPN while connecting on the server, the server forum, or the server’s teamspeak. Doing so will result in an instant application denial. | Once again, simple. If you’re considered as a staff member some sort of check for suspicious activity on alternate accounts and VPNs will be checked for.

* You may not ask a staff member to view your application. Doing so will result in an instant application denial. | This is really just being impatient. If you’re friends with a staff member and are asking for help to check grammatical errors and more that's fine, just don't publicize it.

* You must be able to record. Failure to be able to record will result in an instant application denial. | Once again, as a staff member you need to enforce the rules, and having evidence is a crucial part of that. This is a must really you meet it or you don't. (I recommend finding a good recording hotkey so that it's easier for you to record rule breakers on the spot)

* You must have 30+ post and have been on forums for at least a week. | This is extremely easy, probably one of the easiest requirements we have here to be a staff member. You should have at least been active in the community for longer than one week and tried to make useful and meaningful posts in places more than 30 times.


Section Two - Application
Your application is one of the most crucial parts of being staff however you don't need to spend an awful long time working on it. Community feedback is very common when making an application and I seriously recommend you take tips you've been given into consideration.

I recommend having at least 3 full sentences for each main question and at least 1 sentence for less extensive questions. Detail is essential and while you don't need all that much, make your words count. Quality over quantity applies here - almost more than ever, and every bit matters.


Section Three - Grammar / Voacbulary / Spelling
Your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are all very important things to take into consideration when making an application. If you try to spot grammar and spelling errors you've made in your application and you've found a lot- you're going to want to fix them.

Fixing grammatical errors actually isn't that hard. Just look for sentences and words that do not really fit in or flow and try to make them fit better into your application. There are also many tools online to use and I recommend ‘Grammarly’, for one.

You can also look in a dictionary or ask people you know for less common words that would work well in you application. Using some words over another may seem more professional and I recommend to try expanding your vocabulary when making an application.


Section Four - Skills
I recommend to mention any special skills you may have in your application, and it would be a good idea to list them under either the ‘Why do you want to be a staff member on OPBlocks?’ and ‘Is there anything else we should know?’ questions. We want to know what makes you stand out from other applicants and ways you can help that other people can't.


Section Five - Extras
Remember to look over your application multiple times and to try and find things you can improve. If you don't find anything the first time, look again. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes - I guarantee you. We can though, limit the mistakes we make. Do this by using your resources and friends to help you.

Add a ‘Pros & Cons’ list. While rather simple, it can be a very useful thing for an executive staff member to see where your strong and weak spots are to better help them deciding how much you really would help the staff team.

In the question ‘What times are you most often online?’ try to make a schedule of sorts to show times when you may be online.


Section Six - Useful links / IPs





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Section Seven - Experience
If you have any past experience with staffing, or even just messing around with punishment related commands - you may be somewhat familiar with what we’re currently doing on OPBlocks. It can help you A LOT to have some sort of previous experience in this field as it isn't an easy one and catching on quickly is ideal.

Be sure to mention any past experiences on your application and elaborate on how they'd help you now - as a staff member on OPBlocks. Knowing your Minecraft commands and blocks is also important in answering any questions you may be given.


Section Eight - Dedication
As a staff member on OPBlocks your number one priority would be the server, meaning that any spare time you have should be used here, helping and doing any staff work available. Of course this doesn't mean that you need to staff on OPBlocks 24/7, I mean, we’re allowed to play as well, if you were curious, you just need to dedicate more time than usual to the server as a staff member.

This also means staying with the server when times are rough and working through hard times even when roadblocks may come up.

Another reason we need dedicated staff members is because we don't want you resigning 1-5 weeks after you're accepted and while there isn't a rule against this, I really wouldn't do this. Make sure that you're able to really dedicate yourself to the server when applying and especially once accepted.


Section Nine - Maturity
We want mature staff members, and people able to handle the responsibility they'll be given as a member of the staff team.

Being mature is knowing how to handle yourself in certain situations and doing it the right way. It helps you make the correct judgement in a hard situation and
not making a complete fool of yourself. This also means that you shouldn't be starting arguments with a player publicly, or using incorrect grammar/spelling in an important response/thread. You'd be representing the server, act like it.


Section Ten - Demotions & Denials
As a potential staff member it's good to act correctly in difficult situations and I hope I can elaborate more on what you should do if each were to happen.

If your application is denied it could be for a multiple of reasons, however, whatever they are, make sure that you the them into mind. Now think about how you can improve from this and try to fix all mistakes with your previous application or actions previously.

If you're ever demoted from the staff team, for any reason at all, stop immediately and think about where you went wrong. If you plan to re-apply in the future take caution in doing so and make sure that you're ready that time, as you wouldn't want to make the same mistake(s) as before.


Lastly, the absolute best of luck to all current and future applicants! (Feel free to PM me if you'd like any other tips or would like me to answer one of your questions about applying for staff)

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Staff Tips & Tricks


|| Table of Contents ||

S.1 / Requirements
S.2 / Application
S.3 / Grammar, Spelling, & Vocabulary
S.4 / Skills
S.5 / Extras
S.6 / Useful Links
S.7 / Experience
S.8 Expectations
S.9 / Maturity
S.10 / Demotions & Denials


Section One - Requirements
If you plan to apply for staff, meet the requirements. Don't apply when you're close to meeting all of them, apply when you've met all of them. It's extremely important that most potential staff members meet all of the requirements as it highers their chances of being accepted by a landslide.

Requirements Overview

* You must be 14 years or older. This is a recommended age however if you show maturity in your application then you will be considered. | I'm going to be bland here, exceptions are rarely made, and if you don't meet this requirement, you really need to show your potential as a staff member even though you may not be as old as most staff members on OPBlocks. You can do this by using good grammar, spelling, and just being mature in general.

* Your ban/mute/warn history must be either clean or relatively clean within the last month. | This is simple, really. Staff members are expected to enforce the rules and if you're breaking them you obviously aren't ready to be giving out punishments.

* You must not use a VPN while connecting on the server, the server forum, or the server’s teamspeak. Doing so will result in an instant application denial. | Once again, simple. If you’re considered as a staff member some sort of check for suspicious activity on alternate accounts and VPNs will be checked for.

* You may not ask a staff member to view your application. Doing so will result in an instant application denial. | This is really just being impatient. If you’re friends with a staff member and are asking for help to check grammatical errors and more that's fine, just don't publicize it.

* You must be able to record. Failure to be able to record will result in an instant application denial. | Once again, as a staff member you need to enforce the rules, and having evidence is a crucial part of that. This is a must really you meet it or you don't. (I recommend finding a good recording hotkey so that it's easier for you to record rule breakers on the spot)

* You must have 30+ post and have been on forums for at least a week. | This is extremely easy, probably one of the easiest requirements we have here to be a staff member. You should have at least been active in the community for longer than one week and tried to make useful and meaningful posts in places more than 30 times.


Section Two - Application
Your application is one of the most crucial parts of being staff however you don't need to spend an awful long time working on it. Community feedback is very common when making an application and I seriously recommend you take tips you've been given into consideration.

I recommend having at least 3 full sentences for each main question and at least 1 sentence for less extensive questions. Detail is essential and while you don't need all that much, make your words count. Quality over quantity applies here - almost more than ever, and every bit matters.


Section Three - Grammar / Voacbulary / Spelling
Your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are all very important things to take into consideration when making an application. If you try to spot grammar and spelling errors you've made in your application and you've found a lot- you're going to want to fix them.

Fixing grammatical errors actually isn't that hard. Just look for sentences and words that do not really fit in or flow and try to make them fit better into your application. There are also many tools online to use and I recommend ‘Grammarly’, for one.

You can also look in a dictionary or ask people you know for less common words that would work well in you application. Using some words over another may seem more professional and I recommend to try expanding your vocabulary when making an application.


Section Four - Skills
I recommend to mention any special skills you may have in your application, and it would be a good idea to list them under either the ‘Why do you want to be a staff member on OPBlocks?’ and ‘Is there anything else we should know?’ questions. We want to know what makes you stand out from other applicants and ways you can help that other people can't.


Section Five - Extras
Remember to look over your application multiple times and to try and find things you can improve. If you don't find anything the first time, look again. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes - I guarantee you. We can though, limit the mistakes we make. Do this by using your resources and friends to help you.

Add a ‘Pros & Cons’ list. While rather simple, it can be a very useful thing for an executive staff member to see where your strong and weak spots are to better help them deciding how much you really would help the staff team.

In the question ‘What times are you most often online?’ try to make a schedule of sorts to show times when you may be online.


Section Six - Useful links / IPs





Global Rules

Legal Modifications




Section Seven - Experience
If you have any past experience with staffing, or even just messing around with punishment related commands - you may be somewhat familiar with what we’re currently doing on OPBlocks. It can help you A LOT to have some sort of previous experience in this field as it isn't an easy one and catching on quickly is ideal.

Be sure to mention any past experiences on your application and elaborate on how they'd help you now - as a staff member on OPBlocks. Knowing your Minecraft commands and blocks is also important in answering any questions you may be given.


Section Eight - Dedication
As a staff member on OPBlocks your number one priority would be the server, meaning that any spare time you have should be used here, helping and doing any staff work available. Of course this doesn't mean that you need to staff on OPBlocks 24/7, I mean, we’re allowed to play as well, if you were curious, you just need to dedicate more time than usual to the server as a staff member.

This also means staying with the server when times are rough and working through hard times even when roadblocks may come up.

Another reason we need dedicated staff members is because we don't want you resigning 1-5 weeks after you're accepted and while there isn't a rule against this, I really wouldn't do this. Make sure that you're able to really dedicate yourself to the server when applying and especially once accepted.


Section Nine - Maturity
We want mature staff members, and people able to handle the responsibility they'll be given as a member of the staff team.

Being mature is knowing how to handle yourself in certain situations and doing it the right way. It helps you make the correct judgement in a hard situation and
not making a complete fool of yourself. This also means that you shouldn't be starting arguments with a player publicly, or using incorrect grammar/spelling in an important response/thread. You'd be representing the server, act like it.


Section Ten - Demotions & Denials
As a potential staff member it's good to act correctly in difficult situations and I hope I can elaborate more on what you should do if each were to happen.

If your application is denied it could be for a multiple of reasons, however, whatever they are, make sure that you the them into mind. Now think about how you can improve from this and try to fix all mistakes with your previous application or actions previously.

If you're ever demoted from the staff team, for any reason at all, stop immediately and think about where you went wrong. If you plan to re-apply in the future take caution in doing so and make sure that you're ready that time, as you wouldn't want to make the same mistake(s) as before.


Lastly, the absolute best of luck to all current and future applicants! (Feel free to PM me if you'd like any other tips or would like me to answer one of your questions about applying for staff)

This is great for anyone planning to apply for staff, really good that you took your time to do this.

(center the title:))


Well-Known Member
Didn't kry just make a staff app guide?.. little confused but ok...
He did create a guide recently, and it was fantastic. However I had created a guide in the past and I felt bad leaving it outdated.

This is great for anyone planning to apply for staff, really good that you took your time to do this.

(center the title:))
It is centered, and thank you.
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