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Dedicated Member
So over the last little time, I've seen how everything has been going downhill for me. Friendships, school, and generally everything in my life, so I decided I'll be taking a break from everything for now. Don't expect me to be on much from tomorrow (Counts for forums, ingame, and on skype and all other communication platforms.)
And now for the strange tag section xd;

@Pintuh Lagger, git gud, (<3)
@Lynn You're bad.
@Cowie You better get that Sr.Mod boi
@Fet I expect you to have some cookies for me when I come back!
@Mutah Love you ;3 Keep making them h0t packs.
Forever divorced ;D
@_SavAgE_X You better keep being strange! *Cough* Keep up with the good quotes! *cough*
@NathannB Boi o boi... Never wanted to admit it, but you're a lot better than me xd! Keep getting gud

@Dh CAT1!1!!
That's all the quick ones I could come up with xd
Last edited:


Infamous Member
So over the last little time, I've seen how everything has been going downhill for me. Friendships, school, and generally everything in my life, so I decided I'll be taking a break from everything for now. Don't expect me to be on much from tomorrow (Counts for forums, ingame, and on skype and all other communication platforms.)
And now for the strange tag section xd;

@Pintuh Lagger, git gud, (<3)
@Lynn You're bad.
@Cowie You better get that Sr.Mod boi
@Fet I expect you to have some cookies for me when I come back!
@Mutah Love you ;3 Keep making them h0t packs.
Forever divorced ;D
@_SavAgE_X You better keep being strange! *Cough* Keep up with the good quotes! *cough*
@NathannB Boi o boi... Never wanted to admit it, but you're a lot better than me xd! Keep getting gud
That's all the quick ones I could come up with xd
Please don't leave your one of the few people I could trust and bond with when I wasn't being a.............
You've been with the community for what seems like forever, you've been with us through thick and thin with a smile and cheeky replies. I know when I say this im speaking for many "you will be throughly missed and not forgotten".

I hope that someday you'll come back and we can continue we're we left off. Tbh Im tearing up right now ;-; I'll miss you nub


Dedicated Member
I didn't get tagged even though I barely played v3 and when I did 99% of the time it was on alts!?!?!?


Infamous Member
So over the last little time, I've seen how everything has been going downhill for me. Friendships, school, and generally everything in my life, so I decided I'll be taking a break from everything for now. Don't expect me to be on much from tomorrow (Counts for forums, ingame, and on skype and all other communication platforms.)
And now for the strange tag section xd;

@Pintuh Lagger, git gud, (<3)
@Lynn You're bad.
@Cowie You better get that Sr.Mod boi
@Fet I expect you to have some cookies for me when I come back!
@Mutah Love you ;3 Keep making them h0t packs.
Forever divorced ;D
@_SavAgE_X You better keep being strange! *Cough* Keep up with the good quotes! *cough*
@NathannB Boi o boi... Never wanted to admit it, but you're a lot better than me xd! Keep getting gud
That's all the quick ones I could come up with xd
Aww, I hope to see you in the near future, going to miss you. I'll make sure to save some cookies for you Rightie! Anyways, wish you best of luck with your future.


Infamous Member
So over the last little time, I've seen how everything has been going downhill for me. Friendships, school, and generally everything in my life, so I decided I'll be taking a break from everything for now. Don't expect me to be on much from tomorrow (Counts for forums, ingame, and on skype and all other communication platforms.)
And now for the strange tag section xd;

@Pintuh Lagger, git gud, (<3)
@Lynn You're bad.
@Cowie You better get that Sr.Mod boi
@Fet I expect you to have some cookies for me when I come back!
@Mutah Love you ;3 Keep making them h0t packs.
Forever divorced ;D
@_SavAgE_X You better keep being strange! *Cough* Keep up with the good quotes! *cough*
@NathannB Boi o boi... Never wanted to admit it, but you're a lot better than me xd! Keep getting gud

@Dh CAT1!1!!
That's all the quick ones I could come up with xd
Wow?!No tag?!?
Anyways you were a close friend that I could talk with freely, sad to see you go. Hopefully your life sorts itself out and I can see you back here again often.