Update: https://challonge.com/fxu0ya5o
Here is the bracket link! You may begin playing your matches and post screenshot results here in the thread. Once confirmed we will update the bracket and you may play your next opponent. Due to an uneven number of participants you will notice some players have a skip on the first round, which was randomly generated, and will play the winners of the first round.
Greetings everyone!
I've been wanting to host a fun event since the reset, but I've been crazy busy with making sure everything is running great on the back end of the server and optimizing lag issues
That being said it's started to calm down and I want to announce our first PVP Tournament Bracket where any player can enter and compete in a series of Best of 5 Duels to determine the best players on the server and win some rewards!
Here's how it works!
If you want to enter the tournament you will need to submit your IGN in a comment below and we will match you randomly with another player on the server and make a bracket online for everyone to play in. You will play a Best of 5 series in Diamond or Iron or NoDebuff kits only. Once a user has reached 3 wins out of 5, they will submit the results here in the forums and you will advance to the next bracket!
Which kit do we use?
You may use either the Diamond or Iron or NoDebuff kit depending which kit players agree on, but all Duels in the series must be fought using the same kit. This means you can't play 2 rounds on Iron and 2 rounds on Diamond, etc.
Rules of the tournament!
What do we win?
The top 3 placements will all receive a $50 Buycraft voucher. The 4th through 10th placements will receive a $15 Buycraft voucher.
Deadline and Time Frame!
You must submit your IGN on this thread by Monday, September 2nd. Duels will begin on Tuesday and must all be concluded by Saturday, September 7th. As mentioned previously if you do not complete your Duel in time you will be removed from the bracket.
Thanks, and I hope to see many of you competing
EDIT: To further clarify the time frame since some people are confused - You may start the Duel with your bracket opponent anytime you want beginning Tuesday. There is no set time that you have to show up. You simply have to link up with your bracket opponent when you are both online, play the series, then submit the results here via screenshots. Thanks!
Here is the bracket link! You may begin playing your matches and post screenshot results here in the thread. Once confirmed we will update the bracket and you may play your next opponent. Due to an uneven number of participants you will notice some players have a skip on the first round, which was randomly generated, and will play the winners of the first round.
Greetings everyone!
I've been wanting to host a fun event since the reset, but I've been crazy busy with making sure everything is running great on the back end of the server and optimizing lag issues
Here's how it works!
If you want to enter the tournament you will need to submit your IGN in a comment below and we will match you randomly with another player on the server and make a bracket online for everyone to play in. You will play a Best of 5 series in Diamond or Iron or NoDebuff kits only. Once a user has reached 3 wins out of 5, they will submit the results here in the forums and you will advance to the next bracket!
Which kit do we use?
You may use either the Diamond or Iron or NoDebuff kit depending which kit players agree on, but all Duels in the series must be fought using the same kit. This means you can't play 2 rounds on Iron and 2 rounds on Diamond, etc.
Rules of the tournament!
- The players must submit screenshots of each Duel result. 3 wins constitutes a victory and advances you to the next bracket.
- No complaints about lag or any other PVP issues! We all know how PVP is on this Prison server, it's not perfect and it never will be because of custom enchantments, anticheat, and other variables. You know what you are getting into if you sign up for this tournament and complaining / being toxic is unacceptable. Just say GG and move on like a mature adult!
- If you disconnect from a Duel or have issues with your PC that round will be counted as a loss. I recommend you prepare everything as best you can to avoid a situation like this.
- Any users that take more than 48 hours to complete their Duels after being assigned an opponent will forfeit and be disqualified from the tournament. Be respectful of your opponents time and try to make it happen quickly for everyone's sake!
- Hacking is obviously not allowed and if your opponent has any proof you will be disqualified and appropriately punished according to the rules.
What do we win?
The top 3 placements will all receive a $50 Buycraft voucher. The 4th through 10th placements will receive a $15 Buycraft voucher.
Deadline and Time Frame!
You must submit your IGN on this thread by Monday, September 2nd. Duels will begin on Tuesday and must all be concluded by Saturday, September 7th. As mentioned previously if you do not complete your Duel in time you will be removed from the bracket.
Thanks, and I hope to see many of you competing
EDIT: To further clarify the time frame since some people are confused - You may start the Duel with your bracket opponent anytime you want beginning Tuesday. There is no set time that you have to show up. You simply have to link up with your bracket opponent when you are both online, play the series, then submit the results here via screenshots. Thanks!
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