ive boticed 4 people post farming, saying one word responce, also saying stuff off topic, at random, can the forums please have some laws, and some moderators to enforce said laws, it gets kinda repetitive to ask for a thread to be locked when the question or situation has bean solved...
We are certainly enforcing our rules. I have 137 conversations in total and majority of them are the automated message sent to the people I warn. In the automated message, it says what the player was doing and shows them what they had typed to get this warn. Example:
And later on this warn shows up on their profile. If a player gets too many warns, it can lead up to a tempban.
Being one of the more active staff members on forums, I try going around between many threads and put warnings and delete post that I see. Of course I can't see everything, but I try my hardest to prevent most post farming. Yes, it is repetive, but it's the only way to really prevent it.
ive boticed 4 people post farming, saying one word responce, also saying stuff off topic, at random, can the forums please have some laws, and some moderators to enforce said laws, it gets kinda repetitive to ask for a thread to be locked when the question or situation has bean solved...
Staff is always spread thin, and even more so at this time of year when people start going back to school in the west. If you find it's the same people post farming over and over, report them. We gotta help staff when we can.
On that note, are applications open, @Mochi, or nah?
We are certainly enforcing our rules. I have 137 conversations in total and majority of them are the automated message sent to the people I warn. In the automated message, it says what the player was doing and shows them what they had typed to get this warn. Example:
And later on this warn shows up on their profile. If a player gets too many warns, it can lead up to a tempban.
Being one of the more active staff members on forums, I try going around between many threads and put warnings and delete post that I see. Of course I can't see everything, but I try my hardest to prevent most post farming. Yes, it is repetive, but it's the only way to really prevent it.
Staff is always spread thin, and even more so at this time of year when people start going back to school in the west. If you find it's the same people post farming over and over, report them. We gotta help staff when we can.
On that note, are applications open, @Mochi, or nah?
We are certainly enforcing our rules. I have 137 conversations in total and majority of them are the automated message sent to the people I warn. In the automated message, it says what the player was doing and shows them what they had typed to get this warn. Example:
And later on this warn shows up on their profile. If a player gets too many warns, it can lead up to a tempban.
Being one of the more active staff members on forums, I try going around between many threads and put warnings and delete post that I see. Of course I can't see everything, but I try my hardest to prevent most post farming. Yes, it is repetive, but it's the only way to really prevent it.
I like how you used Gxdly ban appeal as an example. I thought post farming was already illegal and could get you ban from forums or am I thinking of PrimeMc.
I like how you used Gxdly ban appeal as an example. I thought post farming was already illegal and could get you ban from forums or am I thinking of PrimeMc.
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