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Important OPBlocks v10 Content Suggestions


New Member
Idea: We should add a leaderboard similar to blocks mined; there should be a leaderboard for the highest rank/prestige on the server.
Why this idea will be activity-based: It would encourage players to see how far they can get and add some more activity to the server to see who can be the highest. Rewards can be given to the highest players on the next reset. Maybe vouchers on /buy? or exclusive titles?
How this idea will effect the economy: It would give some more friendly competition and give more reason to put more playtime in their character.
I mean this might require a lot of work and may not happen but I really like what (insert server that shall not be named)'s take on skyblock. You are constantly working on something and that will keep players online always trying to get the best stuff. Im sure you could modify the economy to something like h's skyblock. Of course you would have to make it related to prison. I enjoy that skyblock a lot and I'm sure a lot of the players who are used to grinding prison or anything else would love it to.
Good idea, i also used to play it a lot on there i would like to see them opening a skyblock on opb tbh


New Member
I think that weekly quests would be nice, they could give really neat rewards, maybe a special cosmetic to the season or a huge chunk of ets for the week like 1000 or so, I also believe that it would be cool to have an event quest that if you complete it you get something like a rank (muncher) or a special event based kit with some special cosmetic effects (Fire Wings, Christmas Aura, Pumpkin Head, etc.)
Idea: Cells, cell top gets buy craft and possibly irl money. To get cell top you need cell level. Cell top is like skyblock island top but for prison. There should be blocks that if you place on your cell you get cell level. To get these blocks u can either, Buy them from other players or get them from a new enchant on pickaxes.
Why this idea will be activity-based:More people will try to grind to get cell top and cell top isn't as p2w so more people will play.
How this idea will effect the economy: People will be spending money on this and other stuff's prices might go down a bit.
Idea: We should add a leaderboard similar to blocks mined; there should be a leaderboard for the highest rank/prestige on the server.
Why this idea will be activity-based: It would encourage players to see how far they can get and add some more activity to the server to see who can be the highest. Rewards can be given to the highest players on the next reset. Maybe vouchers on /buy? or exclusive titles?
How this idea will effect the economy: It would give some more friendly competition and give more reason to put more playtime in their character.
Sean, its good, but why, we get that you spent all your money on your pick monka
[doublepost=1566189035,1566188983][/doublepost]A suggestion is my suggestion in its own, a Hidden Player Command, it will reduce the spam in chat, and we will actually be able to hit the boss.


Active Member
Most of the custom pvp enchants should be removed. pvping with slowness poison wither blindness freeze and nausea isnt fun


Dedicated Member
Most of the custom pvp enchants should be removed. pvping with slowness poison wither blindness freeze and nausea isnt fun
Half these things are counterable with your own custom enchants and the other half help slow people down so they can't run as easily. I'd much rather have some annoying ticks of poison damage on me than having to chase someone for 10 minutes before they inevitably /spawn or /plot h. One bow boost into a few sword hits with a proc of freeze and they're not going anywhere. Poison/wither damage can also ruin people trying to bowboost by giving them a straight vertical tick, nerfing bowboosting a lot.


Active Member
I mean this might require a lot of work and may not happen but I really like what (insert server that shall not be named)'s take on skyblock. You are constantly working on something and that will keep players online always trying to get the best stuff. Im sure you could modify the economy to something like h's skyblock. Of course you would have to make it related to prison. I enjoy that skyblock a lot and I'm sure a lot of the players who are used to grinding prison or anything else would love it to.
@Saito this idea is good, but honestly, the best idea is don't be an absolute idiot. Like sky said, always make it where you have something to grind for so people want to keep playing. Because honestly the whole "mine 12 hours a day" gets kinda boring
Suggestion, maybe lucky blocks could appear in Plotmines as i think it should be a thing
bruh plot mines are pretty op as is i think
Idea: Cells, cell top gets buy craft and possibly irl money. To get cell top you need cell level. Cell top is like skyblock island top but for prison. There should be blocks that if you place on your cell you get cell level. To get these blocks u can either, Buy them from other players or get them from a new enchant on pickaxes.
Why this idea will be activity-based:More people will try to grind to get cell top and cell top isn't as p2w so more people will play.
How this idea will effect the economy: People will be spending money on this and other stuff's prices might go down a bit.
this is honestly so bad, because we don't need cells, and plus who would do this, they are too busy maxing out things and competing for first in p30 and having the most blocks mined


Retired Russian
Idea: Cells, cell top gets buy craft and possibly irl money. To get cell top you need cell level. Cell top is like skyblock island top but for prison. There should be blocks that if you place on your cell you get cell level. To get these blocks u can either, Buy them from other players or get them from a new enchant on pickaxes.
Why this idea will be activity-based:More people will try to grind to get cell top and cell top isn't as p2w so more people will play.
How this idea will effect the economy: People will be spending money on this and other stuff's prices might go down a bit.
First off, please don’t bold your entire suggestion, it makes it hard to read. Secondly, we already have 5 leaderboards, not sure if we need a 6th. In the end, this is a prison server, not skyblock.
Idea: We should add a leaderboard similar to blocks mined; there should be a leaderboard for the highest rank/prestige on the server.
Why this idea will be activity-based: It would encourage players to see how far they can get and add some more activity to the server to see who can be the highest. Rewards can be given to the highest players on the next reset. Maybe vouchers on /buy? or exclusive titles?
How this idea will effect the economy: It would give some more friendly competition and give more reason to put more playtime in their character.
I like this idea, but it wouldn’t need to be a whole column in /leaderboard. Maybe just a command like /toprank. It is challenging to see who is the top prestige atm, I like this suggestion. +1


Active Member
Half these things are counterable with your own custom enchants and the other half help slow people down so they can't run as easily. I'd much rather have some annoying ticks of poison damage on me than having to chase someone for 10 minutes before they inevitably /spawn or /plot h. One bow boost into a few sword hits with a proc of freeze and they're not going anywhere. Poison/wither damage can also ruin people trying to bowboost by giving them a straight vertical tick, nerfing bowboosting a lot.
"counterable". that would only make it worse ffs. its annoying and makes pvp boring. besides, this isnt a practice server, of course people can escape pvp
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Dedicated Member
"counterable". that would only make it worse ffs. its annoying and makes pvp boring. besides, this isnt a practice server, of course people can escape pvp
The only counterable ones are just for nausea and blindness, which are the only ones I could possibly see removed. There are also still many ways to escape pvp, you can epearl up high and then shoot someone off when they chase, you can use your own sword to freeze the person chasing you and then leave them in the dust, if you're much better at bowboosting and can double boost consistently you'll practically never get caught. Obviously the players who don't have a punch II bow or a freeze sword will be at a disadvantage, they haven't grinded as much so they won't be rewarded as much.

Stop suggesting to remove CE's just because you can't adapt or bother to grind. It's a prison server, if you just want vanilla pvp, go to a practice server.


Active Member
The only counterable ones are just for nausea and blindness, which are the only ones I could possibly see removed. There are also still many ways to escape pvp, you can epearl up high and then shoot someone off when they chase, you can use your own sword to freeze the person chasing you and then leave them in the dust, if you're much better at bowboosting and can double boost consistently you'll practically never get caught. Obviously the players who don't have a punch II bow or a freeze sword will be at a disadvantage, they haven't grinded as much so they won't be rewarded as much.

Stop suggesting to remove CE's just because you can't adapt or bother to grind. It's a prison server, if you just want vanilla pvp, go to a practice server.
Lol allowing people to pearl while being combat tagged is ridiculous and only kitpvp servers have it, and in those it takes a while before you can get out of the timer and go back to spawn. and im not going to argue, custom enchants like these make pvping BORING. no matter how you phrase it.
The only counterable ones are just for nausea and blindness, which are the only ones I could possibly see removed. There are also still many ways to escape pvp, you can epearl up high and then shoot someone off when they chase, you can use your own sword to freeze the person chasing you and then leave them in the dust, if you're much better at bowboosting and can double boost consistently you'll practically never get caught. Obviously the players who don't have a punch II bow or a freeze sword will be at a disadvantage, they haven't grinded as much so they won't be rewarded as much.

Stop suggesting to remove CE's just because you can't adapt or bother to grind. It's a prison server, if you just want vanilla pvp, go to a practice server.
there are already few other enchants. also combine the zeus strike, opb lag, ping difference from eu and au people and these 6 effect enchants and you get the worst pvp experience imaginable.

"Stop suggesting to remove CE's just because you can't adapt or bother to grind. It's a prison server, if you just want vanilla pvp, go to a practice server." ranked people have way more than enough benefits already lol. i dont mind that but these enchants change the dynamics of pvp


Dedicated Member
ranked people have way more than enough benefits already lol. i dont mind that but these enchants change the dynamics of pvp
The only way having a rank gives more etokens is if you do your ranked kits every day and get the 200 or so daily etokens from that. Their kit swords/armor don't spawn with any CE's either so it literally doesn't matter.

I can see why you say the pvp isn't fun though, the CE's remove a huge part of the skill gap. This server isn't pvp-based though so the warzone is more relaxed, bringing down the pvp tryhards and lifting up the casuals. While they may still only get like 3 hits to 1, it's better than the 10 hits to 1 they were getting before.

Edit: made tryhards pvp tryhards instead because apparently it wasn't clear enough. In versions like v1 or on other prisons servers with no CE's, there were/are plenty of people who just pvp and don't mine even a bit. These aren't alts, but real people.
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Active Member
The only way having a rank gives more etokens is if you do your ranked kits every day and get the 200 or so daily etokens from that. Their kit swords/armor don't spawn with any CE's either so it literally doesn't matter.

I can see why you say the pvp isn't fun though, the CE's remove a huge part of the skill gap. This server isn't pvp-based though so the warzone is more relaxed, bringing down the tryhards and lifting up the casuals. While they may still only get like 3 hits to 1, it's better than the 10 hits to 1 they were getting before.
Wdym bringing down the tryhards? Isn't the opposite? Majority of casuals probably won't bother grinding for custom enchants as much as the "tryhards" and ranked people which obviously will also have better gear


Infamous Member
Half these things are counterable with your own custom enchants and the other half help slow people down so they can't run as easily. I'd much rather have some annoying ticks of poison damage on me than having to chase someone for 10 minutes before they inevitably /spawn or /plot h. One bow boost into a few sword hits with a proc of freeze and they're not going anywhere. Poison/wither damage can also ruin people trying to bowboost by giving them a straight vertical tick, nerfing bowboosting a lot.
Tbh I don't see why escaping pvp should be countered by CEs when these escape methods shouldn't exist in the first place. Enderpearls should be removed from pvp in the first place, it makes no sense for them to be inside and even if let's say fine we let people enderpearl in pvp, the cooldown should not be like 9 seconds my dude. At least 20-30 seconds in my opinion. Also punch 10? How does that make any sense whatsoever at all in pvp? The boost is crazy and yeah as you said just knock someone of a tree continuously till you have enough time to tp out. Maximum punch 4 makes sense to me IMO and I still say vanilla punch 2 is the best. And yeah the pvp is really really laggy even in duels. In PvP every 20 clicks registers about 2 hits? And it doesn’t even mean 20 clicks per seconds I mean like 20 clicks across 10 seconds still only registers 2 hits and I 100% can say that effects like strike contribute to the lag. I am fine with some CEs, shred is decent, maybe a strength CE, Vampiric is fine because these CE’s only change certain game values. They have no particle effect or tick render effect that needs to be loaded server side and sent making this 1 hit every 5 seconds pvp even laggier. Remove pvp escape routes and remove HIGHER LAG INDUCING custom enchants.

Adding laggy CE's to mitigate running is like tryna solve 1 problem by adding an even bigger one.