As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Jumpahh takes a handful of throwing knives.
Espa grabs a backpack and retreats.
Duck retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
Tklawl runs away from the Cornucopia.
DahKing runs away from the Cornucopia.
BabeElijah runs away from the Cornucopia.
Roiley runs away from the Cornucopia.
xAlphaCat stabs Zapexy with a tree branch.
Custom grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Horah runs away from the Cornucopia.
Clerisy finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Mochi runs away from the Cornucopia.
Chrissy grabs a jar of fishing bait while Akihiito gets fishing gear.
CaliX2Guns runs away from the Cornucopia.
Emelade runs away from the Cornucopia.
Fugitive and Gia fight for a bag. Fugitive gives up and retreats.
Trkey runs away from the Cornucopia.
Cowie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Vossy snatches a pair of sais.
xTactical scares Ddubs away from the cornucopia.
Espa receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Custom is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Ddubs tends to Vossy's wounds.
Horah overhears Roiley and Akihiito talking in the distance.
xTactical receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Clerisy kills Trkey with his own weapon.
DahKing begs for Fugitive to kill him. He refuses, keeping DahKing alive.
Jumpahh overhears Duck and CaliX2Guns talking in the distance.
Mochi diverts Gia's attention and runs away.
xAlphaCat hunts for other tributes.
BabeElijah steals from Cowie while he isn't looking.
Chrissy camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Tklawl constructs a shack.
Emelade dies of dysentery.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 1
District 3
District 6
xAlphaCat and Roiley run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
CaliX2Guns receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Espa, Jumpahh, Mochi, and Tklawl sleep in shifts.
Chrissy, Ddubs, Horah, Duck, and Vossy track down and kill Gia.
xTactical screams for help.
Custom and Akihiito huddle for warmth.
BabeElijah receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Clerisy and Cowie talk about the tributes still alive.
DahKing pushes Fugitive off a cliff during a knife fight.
Duck hunts for other tributes.
DahKing runs away from Jumpahh.
Custom sets an explosive off, killing Akihiito.
Vossy picks flowers.
Espa practices his archery.
Horah discovers a river.
Mochi and Ddubs work together for the day.
CaliX2Guns tries to spear fish with a trident.
Clerisy sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Tklawl attacks Chrissy, but she manages to escape.
xTactical goes hunting.
xAlphaCat receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
BabeElijah discovers a river.
Cowie tries to spear fish with a trident.
Roiley questions his sanity.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 2
District 4
Akihiito District 12
xAlphaCat, Tklawl, BabeElijah, Chrissy, and CaliX2Guns sleep in shifts.
Duck destroys Roiley's supplies while he is asleep.
Cowie, Mochi, Vossy, and xTactical sleep in shifts.
DahKing lets Clerisy into his shelter.
Espa, Horah, Jumpahh, and Custom sleep in shifts.
Ddubs receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Custom decapitates Horah with a sword.
xAlphaCat chases Mochi.
Duck runs away from Jumpahh.
Vossy fishes.
xTactical tends to Clerisy's wounds.
Ddubs makes a wooden spear.
Chrissy hunts for other tributes.
Tklawl hunts for other tributes.
DahKing and Espa split up to search for resources.
CaliX2Guns goes hunting.
Roiley tries to spear fish with a trident.
Cowie diverts BabeElijah's attention and runs away.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
District 2
Custom screams for help.
Vossy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
xTactical screams for help.
Cowie and Roiley huddle for warmth.
Mochi goes to sleep.
xAlphaCat and DahKing tell stories about themselves to each other.
Espa fends Clerisy, BabeElijah, and Tklawl away from his fire.
Duck destroys Chrissy's supplies while she is asleep.
CaliX2Guns starts a fire.
Jumpahh sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Ddubs cries himself to sleep.
Custom goes hunting.
DahKing travels to higher ground.
xAlphaCat questions his sanity.
BabeElijah begs for Espa to kill him. He refuses, keeping BabeElijah alive.
Vossy scares Tklawl off.
Duck injures himself.
Cowie accidently steps on a landmine.
Mochi sets an explosive off, killing Roiley, Chrissy, and Jumpahh.
CaliX2Guns throws a knife into Clerisy's chest.
xTactical searches for a water source.
Ddubs falls into a pit and dies.
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 4
Roiley District 9
Chrissy District 5
Jumpahh District 1
Clerisy District 11
Ddubs District 8
Mochi falls into a pit and dies.
xAlphaCat and DahKing work together to drown Tklawl.
xTactical stays awake all night.
Custom, Vossy, BabeElijah, and Duck tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
CaliX2Guns is awoken by nightmares.
Espa dies of dysentery.
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
xAlphaCat decides not to go to The Feast.
DahKing decides not to go to The Feast.
Custom steals xTactical's memoirs.
Duck decides not to go to The Feast.
CaliX2Guns bashes Vossy's head in with a mace.
BabeElijah decides not to go to The Feast.
Custom, DahKing, BabeElijah, and Duck raid xAlphaCat's camp while he is hunting.
CaliX2Guns receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
xTactical injures himself.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 12
Tklawl District 9
District 7
District 3
Duck receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
BabeElijah begs for xTactical to kill him. He refuses, keeping BabeElijah alive.
CaliX2Guns tends to his wounds.
DahKing, xAlphaCat, and Custom sleep in shifts.
BabeElijah receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
CaliX2Guns silently snaps Duck's neck.
Custom stalks DahKing.
xTactical and xAlphaCat work together for the day.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
District 10
BabeElijah and xTactical huddle for warmth.
CaliX2Guns is awoken by nightmares.
xAlphaCat receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Custom bashes DahKing's head in with a mace.
xAlphaCat searches for firewood.
Custom poisons CaliX2Guns's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
BabeElijah steals from xTactical while he isn't looking.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 8
District 11
CaliX2Guns shoots an arrow at xAlphaCat, but misses and kills BabeElijah instead.
xTactical receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
CaliX2Guns silently snaps xTactical's neck.
xAlphaCat falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 5
District 7
District 10
The Winner is CaliX2Guns from District 6!
The Bloodbath xAlphaCat stabs Zapexy with a tree branch.
Day 1 Clerisy kills Trkey with his own weapon. Emelade dies of dysentery.
Night 1 Chrissy, Ddubs, Horah, Duck, and Vossy track down and kill Gia. DahKing pushes Fugitive off a cliff during a knife fight.
Day 2 Custom sets an explosive off, killing Akihiito.
Night 2
No deaths occurred.
Day 3 Custom decapitates Horah with a sword.
Night 3
No deaths occurred.
Day 4 Cowie accidently steps on a landmine. Mochi sets an explosive off, killing Roiley, Chrissy, and Jumpahh. CaliX2Guns throws a knife into Clerisy's chest. Ddubs falls into a pit and dies.
Night 4 Mochi falls into a pit and dies. xAlphaCat and DahKing work together to drown Tklawl. Espa dies of dysentery.
The Feast CaliX2Guns bashes Vossy's head in with a mace.
Day 5
No deaths occurred.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6 CaliX2Guns silently snaps Duck's neck.
Night 6 Custom bashes DahKing's head in with a mace.
Day 7 Custom poisons CaliX2Guns's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
Night 7 CaliX2Guns shoots an arrow at xAlphaCat, but misses and kills BabeElijah instead.
Day 8 CaliX2Guns silently snaps xTactical's neck. xAlphaCat falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
The winner is CaliX2Guns from District 6!
Uhhh, I'm sorry. Don't kill me Jumpahh, Riley and Chrissy. I'm innocent. I promise. ;-;
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. snevahmadaa runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Horah and CaliX2Guns fight for a bag. Horah gives up and retreats.
Duck finds a canteen full of water.
xTactical grabs a backpack and retreats.
LegendaryJed finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Parameter runs away from the Cornucopia.
Espa runs away from the Cornucopia.
Roiley runs away from the Cornucopia.
Junnk runs away from the Cornucopia.
RawrWithRose gathers as much food as she can.
Gia retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
Scruntinize finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Custom runs away from the Cornucopia.
Akihiito runs away from the Cornucopia.
Vossy runs away from the Cornucopia.
Diebybow and Trkey fight for a bag. Diebybow strangles Trkey with the straps and runs.
Chrissy runs away from the Cornucopia.
Jumpahh finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Cowie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Fugitive runs away from the Cornucopia.
xAlphaCat runs away from the Cornucopia.
Zapexy scares Dahking away from the cornucopia.
Matt stabs GetDemoted in the back with a trident.
Clerisy runs into the cornucopia and hides.
Ddubs runs away from the Cornucopia.
Mochi and NewBornPvP fight for a bag. Mochi gives up and retreats.
Emelade runs away from the Cornucopia.
Elijah takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Argentina grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Tklawl runs away from the Cornucopia.
Comets stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Gia constructs a shack.
Cowie sprains his ankle while running away from Ddubs.
Chrissy chases Clerisy.
LegendaryJed tends to Horah's wounds.
NewBornPvP discovers a river.
Matt and Akihiito work together for the day.
Scruntinize attacks Vossy, but he manages to escape.
Fugitive , Mochi, and Tklawl track down and kill xAlphaCat.
Argentina receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
snevahmadaa sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
RawrWithRose tends to Comets's wounds.
Diebybow discovers a river.
Duck makes a slingshot.
Parameter searches for firewood.
CaliX2Guns runs away from xTactical.
Zapexy explores the arena.
Elijah receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Jumpahh, Junnk, Roiley, Emelade, and Dahking hunt for other tributes.
Espa bashes Custom's head in with a mace.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 1
District 3
District 6
District 6
Parameter stays awake all night.
Duck receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Roiley thinks about home.
Tklawl is awoken by nightmares.
Comets, NewBornPvP, xTactical, and Argentina sleep in shifts.
CaliX2Guns throws a knife into snevahmadaa's chest.
Espa receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Chrissy, Vossy, and LegendaryJed cheerfully sing songs together.
Akihiito tries to sing himself to sleep.
Matt is awoken by nightmares.
Gia sets up camp for the night.
Junnk looks at the night sky.
Dahking and Mochi hold hands.
RawrWithRose is awoken by nightmares.
Ddubs shoots an arrow at Zapexy, but misses and kills Jumpahh instead.
Emelade thinks about winning.
Fugitive cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Cowie kills Scruntinize with a sickle.
Clerisy receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Elijah stays awake all night.
Horah attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Diebybow is awoken by nightmares.
Horah bashes Clerisy's head in with a mace.
Akihiito constructs a shack.
Chrissy injures herself.
Diebybow collects fruit from a tree.
Roiley steals from Junnk while he isn't looking.
Vossy, Mochi, and Matt hunt for other tributes.
Cowie collects fruit from a tree.
Espa hunts for other tributes.
RawrWithRose catches Zapexy off guard and kills him.
CaliX2Guns attacks xTactical, but he manages to escape.
Dahking thinks about home.
Gia travels to higher ground.
Duck diverts Comets's attention and runs away.
Parameter kills Emelade for her supplies.
Tklawl begs for Argentina to kill him. He refuses, keeping Tklawl alive.
Fugitive thinks about home.
Ddubs tends to NewBornPvP's wounds.
LegendaryJed runs away from Elijah.
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 9
District 1
District 10
District 11
District 1
District 4
Ddubs thinks about home.
RawrWithRose tends to Comets's wounds.
Chrissy lets Matt into her shelter.
xTactical receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Gia and NewBornPvP sleep in shifts.
Vossy, Diebybow, and Akihiito sleep in shifts.
CaliX2Guns strangles Mochi after engaging in a fist fight.
Dahking tries to sing himself to sleep.
Roiley tries to sing himself to sleep.
Duck dies from hunger.
LegendaryJed screams for help.
Junnk, Espa, and Parameter cheerfully sing songs together.
Cowie, Horah, and Argentina cheerfully sing songs together.
Tklawl stays awake all night.
Elijah receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Fugitive goes to sleep.
Tklawl receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Vossy, Gia, Espa, and xTactical hunt for other tributes.
Dahking, Ddubs, Elijah, and RawrWithRose hunt for other tributes.
Parameter stalks Comets.
NewBornPvP collects fruit from a tree.
Akihiito receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Cowie begs for CaliX2Guns to kill him. He refuses, keeping Cowie alive.
Horah constructs a shack.
Diebybow dies from an infection.
Roiley picks flowers.
Argentina questions his sanity.
Fugitive catches Matt off guard and kills him.
LegendaryJed receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Junnk receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Chrissy tries to sleep through the entire day.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 12
District 6
District 10
District 9
Elijah stabs LegendaryJed with a tree branch.
Fugitive and RawrWithRose talk about the tributes still alive.
Ddubs is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Tklawl and Cowie huddle for warmth.
Vossy lets Junnk into his shelter.
Comets tends to his wounds.
Dahking convinces Akihiito to snuggle with him.
Gia and Chrissy sleep in shifts.
Parameter and CaliX2Guns hold hands.
Horah stays awake all night.
NewBornPvP convinces Espa to snuggle with him.
Roiley receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Argentina is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
xTactical sets up camp for the night.
CaliX2Guns is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Akihiito tends to Ddubs's wounds.
xTactical receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Vossy discovers a cave.
NewBornPvP travels to higher ground.
Gia ambushes Tklawl and kills him.
Dahking practices his archery.
Comets receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Roiley, Cowie, Parameter, and Horah raid Elijah's camp while he is hunting.
RawrWithRose stabs Argentina with a tree branch.
Chrissy discovers a cave.
Fugitive tracks down and kills Junnk.
Espa questions his sanity.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 7
District 11
District 10
District 9
RawrWithRose and Elijah run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Dahking tends to his wounds.
Ddubs thinks about winning.
Gia and Vossy run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Espa and Horah hold hands.
Roiley tries to sing himself to sleep.
Fugitive and xTactical track down and kill Parameter.
Comets and NewBornPvP talk about the tributes still alive.
Akihiito goes to sleep.
Chrissy tries to sing herself to sleep.
CaliX2Guns receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Cowie dies from an infection.
Chrissy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Akihiito makes a slingshot.
Horah discovers a river.
RawrWithRose and Roiley split up to search for resources.
Espa overhears CaliX2Guns and Ddubs talking in the distance.
Elijah, Dahking, xTactical, and NewBornPvP raid Fugitive 's camp while he is hunting.
Vossy makes a wooden spear.
Gia receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Comets makes a wooden spear.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 5
District 4
Horah and Akihiito tell stories about themselves to each other.
Gia and Chrissy talk about the tributes still alive.
xTactical quietly hums.
Comets, Vossy, RawrWithRose, NewBornPvP, and Roiley sleep in shifts.
CaliX2Guns fends Espa, Ddubs, and Dahking away from his fire.
Elijah receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Fugitive receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Vossy, Comets, Dahking, and Roiley raid Fugitive 's camp while he is hunting.
Chrissy attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.
Espa and RawrWithRose fight Ddubs and Horah. Espa and RawrWithRose survive.
NewBornPvP attacks xTactical, but he manages to escape.
CaliX2Guns receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Akihiito taints Elijah's food, killing him.
Gia collects fruit from a tree.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 8
District 5
District 2
District 12
Comets convinces CaliX2Guns to snuggle with him.
Akihiito, RawrWithRose, and Dahking cheerfully sing songs together.
xTactical lets Espa into his shelter.
Roiley tries to sing himself to sleep.
Vossy tends to Fugitive 's wounds.
Gia sets up camp for the night.
NewBornPvP receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Akihiito decides not to go to The Feast.
Dahking and NewBornPvP fight Gia and Espa. Gia and Espa survive.
Fugitive decides not to go to The Feast.
Vossy and xTactical decide to work together to get more supplies.
RawrWithRose decides not to go to The Feast.
Comets falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
CaliX2Guns takes a staff leaning against the cornucopia.
Roiley decides not to go to The Feast.
Vossy makes a wooden spear.
Gia dies from hypothermia.
RawrWithRose receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
CaliX2Guns stabs Espa while his back is turned.
Fugitive tries to sleep through the entire day.
Akihiito makes a slingshot.
xTactical stalks Roiley.
5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 5
District 8
District 3
District 2
District 7
xTactical thinks about home.
Roiley looks at the night sky.
RawrWithRose, Fugitive , and Vossy cheerfully sing songs together.
CaliX2Guns and Akihiito sleep in shifts.
RawrWithRose practices her archery.
Fugitive picks flowers.
Akihiito discovers a cave.
Roiley severely injures CaliX2Guns, but puts him out of his misery.
xTactical tracks down and kills Vossy.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 4
District 2
RawrWithRose throws a knife into xTactical's head.
Fugitive defeats Akihiito in a fight, but spares his life.
Roiley dies from hypothermia.
Akihiito spears RawrWithRose in the abdomen.
Fugitive attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 7
District 11
District 8
District 4
The winner is Akihiito from District 12!
The Bloodbath Diebybow and Trkey fight for a bag. Diebybow strangles Trkey with the straps and runs. Matt stabs GetDemoted in the back with a trident.
Day 1 Fugitive , Mochi, and Tklawl track down and kill xAlphaCat. Espa bashes Custom's head in with a mace.
Night 1 CaliX2Guns throws a knife into snevahmadaa's chest. Ddubs shoots an arrow at Zapexy, but misses and kills Jumpahh instead. Cowie kills Scruntinize with a sickle.
Day 2 Horah bashes Clerisy's head in with a mace. RawrWithRose catches Zapexy off guard and kills him. Parameter kills Emelade for her supplies.
Night 2 CaliX2Guns strangles Mochi after engaging in a fist fight. Duck dies from hunger.
Day 3 Diebybow dies from an infection. Fugitive catches Matt off guard and kills him.
Night 3 Elijah stabs LegendaryJed with a tree branch.
Day 4 Gia ambushes Tklawl and kills him. RawrWithRose stabs Argentina with a tree branch. Fugitive tracks down and kills Junnk.
Night 4 Fugitive and xTactical track down and kill Parameter. Cowie dies from an infection.
Day 5
No deaths occurred.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6 Chrissy attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death. Espa and RawrWithRose fight Ddubs and Horah. Espa and RawrWithRose survive. Akihiito taints Elijah's food, killing him.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
The Feast Dahking and NewBornPvP fight Gia and Espa. Gia and Espa survive. Comets falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Day 7 Gia dies from hypothermia. CaliX2Guns stabs Espa while his back is turned.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
Day 8 Roiley severely injures CaliX2Guns, but puts him out of his misery. xTactical tracks down and kills Vossy.
Night 8 RawrWithRose throws a knife into xTactical's head. Roiley dies from hypothermia.
Day 9 Akihiito spears RawrWithRose in the abdomen. Fugitive attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
The winner is Akihiito from District 12!