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Content Update October Update || Spawners, Boss Crafting, Fishing


Staff member
Greetings all!

We're back today with another content update to kick off October strong! We've been hard at work behind the scenes working on some 'end game' content that will give you more grinding options. We hope you enjoy this content and we would really love your feedback and suggestions to continue improving OPBlocks. We also hope you've all been happy with the YouTuber's and advertisement lately. The plan is to advertise even more in October to keep on growing!

Features in this Content Update

Spawners (Upgradeable, giving eTokens, Candies, Boosters)
New Bosses (with item fragments and custom crafting)
Fishing Buffs (earn money, scales up with fishing level)
Friends System (add friends, receive rewards)
XP Boosters (obtainable from spawner item drops)

Spawners (Use /xpshop)

  • To finally give a use to XP in game, spawners will be purchasable in the /xpshop
  • 6 types of mob spawners will be available (Cow, Skeleton, Creeper, Pig, Zombie, Blaze)
  • Each spawner has a tier level low, medium, or high
  • To reduce lag and save space players can stack their spawners by right clicking
  • XP Boosters have been added to the game and can be obtained from mob drops
  • Spawner mobs will drop custom items including eTokens, Candies, Sell Boosters, and XP Boosters

New Bosses (Miner and Fishing)

  • Mining and fishing fragments can be randomly obtained while mining or fishing
  • Obtaining 3 fragments of each boss will allow you to craft a boss egg
  • Boss eggs can only be spawned at /warp boss

Fishing Buffs (Money, increased rewards)
  • Fish are now sellable
  • Money rewards will scale up with your fishing level (added so players can still earn money and not have to choose between fishing or mining)
  • Random 800% XP boosts for fishing will be announced in chat and last for 10 minutes

Friends System (Add friends, receive rewards)

  • Use the /friends command to get started
  • You can view online friends, add and remove friends, view ignored requests, and more
  • Rewards will be added to receive bonuses for having 10, 25, 50 friends and more

Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment if you like what we're doing, we love to hear your feedback :D