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My Resignation

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Well-Known Member
Oh noooo. Cali it's sad to see you go after many great banter times with you in teamspeak. Although you were funny you try to take your position as staff seriously. Wish you all the best in school and your days forward!
P.S. Why am I not tagged bb D:
Edit- I will be remaining inactive for these following reasons and not leaving the staff team
Hello everyone,
I am here to tell you all that I am going to be resigning as my position as a mod on this wonderful server. Many things have led to this conclusion and I believe it will be for the best. First school I've found it hard to concentration on my school work and opblocks at the same time. In addition I've noticed a decrease in my social life that needs to be changed as it is not good for my health. Finally I'm trying to balance school,opblocks, and a sport that will require 3-4 hours per day of training and on top of school I don't believe I will have time for this server. I'm sure that the server will grow well and that there will be someone to replace me and do just as good of a job as I did. I will still be frequently playing on the server when I have time. In addition I would like to thank the entire community for letting me to help and get to meet everyone on this server.
note i would like to state I'm leaving on good terms and I will consider reapplying if I feel like I can handle everything
@NathannB Stay cool.
@fts Daddy Dank stay in touch
@Tuxx Penguin its been an honor to have you as a CM
@McPathos Your a noob
@argentina Tuna stay fishy
@emelade hide that mixtape stay in touch
@Mochi Your're a Nublet
@Nervesh I see great things coming from you
@Ouj Tryhard
@Loganm1908 Keep working on that knife
@Diebybow Im ready for that sweetness
Dude I am going to miss you so much! You have been my bud since OPB 1.0 and I will be sad to see you go. You're a great person and fill me with join. Stay chickeny my man! Thanks for all your kindness - Chicken
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