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My internet sucks :D


Active Member
Hey guys anyone else internet is being bad, no just me ok that's nice because im not going to play any sort of games because my internet is as smart as my art teacher :D. And my internet guys isn't coming till 22nd yay for me. Is there anything I could do please bc ima go insane soon.
(send me links to random games please)


Dedicated Member
If you've got time to waste hop on kongregate and play idle games, it's what I do. You just get to watch numbers increase almost endlessly and pretend you're accomplishing something.
A couple good ones are:
Antimatter dimensions (Decent timewaster, simple concept and fun fast growing numbers, but always 5 hours until the next big update. You won't get to the soft cap anytime soon though so don't worry about it)
Idle Pins (Good but really slow progression, still in a valentines event even though it's almost mid april)
The Perfect Tower (Was pretty fun when I played it years ago, haven't checked on it recently but it was pretty good back then)
Realm Grinder (Good progression but you'll probably need to look up a guide)
Idle Dice (Good but doesn't take long to hit the soft cap)


Infamous Member
Hey guys anyone else internet is being gay, no just me ok that's nice because im not going to play any sort of games because my internet is as smart as my art teacher :D. And my internet guys isn't coming till 22nd yay for me. Is there anything I could do please bc ima go insane soon.
(send me links to random games please)
Just play an Aimbotz map on CS as practice


Active Member
If you've got time to waste hop on kongregate and play idle games, it's what I do. You just get to watch numbers increase almost endlessly and pretend you're accomplishing something.
A couple good ones are:
Antimatter dimensions (Decent timewaster, simple concept and fun fast growing numbers, but always 5 hours until the next big update. You won't get to the soft cap anytime soon though so don't worry about it)
Idle Pins (Good but really slow progression, still in a valentines event even though it's almost mid april)
The Perfect Tower (Was pretty fun when I played it years ago, haven't checked on it recently but it was pretty good back then)
Realm Grinder (Good progression but you'll probably need to look up a guide)
Idle Dice (Good but doesn't take long to hit the soft cap)
Thats alot of games. Ima just sleep and eat then sleep
then eat ...... then eat again then sleep then repeat