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My farewell to all of you!




Let me start this whole see-you-later thing with a quote I enjoy, and some of you should probably have in your life, "If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace you, because you know what you are," Mother Terssa. It is no surprise that I have drifted in and out of a few too many conversations, some positive, some negative. I have been harassed, called names, made fun of, loved, and befriended during my time here. It was all worth it, because I have met some amazing people who have come to know me, Emelyn, not some perceived egirl. Yes, I admit I have hurt a few people, as have I been hurt. I am not proud of some of my actions, but I do not regret them. We all make mistakes when we are young and emotional, how you handle them and move on leaves more of an imprint. Learn from my mistakes, stay away from guys who call you cute and give you attention, do not put yourself out there with the expectation that your being will not be exploited, abused, and harassed, and make friends with the ones who hurt a little more than the rest. Do not do anything half-assed, and remember your morals. Take everything with a grain of salt, and stay humble. People on the internet are mean, no shock there, but they can also be some of the best people you will ever encounter. You will or have probably already encountered both. I would like to apologize to anyone who I have hurt, or confused. My intentions were pure, and I never did anything with a mindset of hurting. Anyway, here are some tags, because that seems to be a popular thing to do. I will do something cool in the future to make history, so you know, look out for that. Until then, peaceeeeee!

@Mochi// You are incredibley sweet, I hold a lot of respect for you. Continue doing what you are doing, and hopefully we get drafted together.
@fts// Also pretty cool, goodluck with your math homework.
@Chrissehh// Never got the chance to have a real conversation with you, but you're very beautiful inside and out. I wish the best for you!
@Cowie// You are super sweet and super cute! Goodluck with everything, I adored you as staff.
@Sine_Pari// You are likely the best thing that has happened to me, this won't be the last time we talk lmao.
@Cookie// I love you! Had a fun time hanging out. <3
@M1ghtyMa5on// I enjoyed playing with you throughout the various OPB versions. Keep up the good work in pvp, don't marry anyone better than me. <3
@gwq// You are a pretty cool human, looking forward to more conversations.
@Luminxsity// We went through some interesting experiences together, I regret nothing. Sorry you felt so poorly about it.
@Dh//I think this is your ign, but Roseeee I love you so much. Message me anytime!
@darkknight46// Pretty positive you are not active on this, but you started this whole thing. First person I met, and first person I talked to. Seems fitting you are the last person as well.

Thank you all for the memories created and shared. Probably won't miss any of you, lmao, I mean most of you. Later!

-Em p.2
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Infamous Member

Let me start this whole see-you-later thing with a quote I enjoy, and some of you should probably have in your life, "If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace you, because you know what you are," Mother Terssa. It is no surprise that I have drifted in and out of a few too many conversations, some positive, some negative. I have been harassed, called names, made fun of, loved, and befriended during my time here. It was all worth it, because I have met some amazing people who have come to know me, Emelyn, not some perceived egirl. Yes, I admit I have hurt a few people, as have I been hurt. I am not proud of some of my actions, but I do not regret them. We all make mistakes when we are young and emotional, how you handle them and move on leaves more of an imprint. Learn from my mistakes, stay away from guys who call you cute and give you attention, do not put yourself out there with the expectation that your being will not be exploited, abused, and harassed, and make friends with the ones who hurt a little more than the rest. Do not do anything half-assed, and remember your morals. Take everything with a grain of salt, and stay humble. People on the internet are mean, no shock there, but they can also be some of the best people you will ever encounter. You will or have probably already encountered both. I would like to apologize to anyone who I have hurt, or confused. My intentions were pure, and I never did anything with a mindset of hurting. Anyway, here are some tags, because that seems to be a popular thing to do. I will do something cool in the future to make history, so you know, look out for that. Until then, peaceeeeee!

@Mochi// You are incredibley sweet, I hold a lot of respect for you. Continue doing what you are doing, and hopefully we get drafted together.
@fts// Also pretty cool, goodluck with your math homework.
@Chrissehh// Never got the chance to have a real conversation with you, but you're very beautiful inside and out. I wish the best for you!
@Cowie// You are super sweet and super cute! Goodluck with everything, I adored you as staff.
@Sine_Pari// You are likely the best thing that has happened to me, this won't be the last time we talk lmao.
@Cookie// I love you! Had a fun time hanging out. <3
@gwq// You are a pretty cool human, looking forward to more conversations.
@Luminxsity// We went through some interesting experiences together, I regret nothing. Sorry you felt so poorly about it.
@Dh//I think this is your ign, but Roseeee I love you so much. Message me anytime!
@darkknight46// Pretty positive you are not active on this, but you started this whole thing. First person I met, and first person I talked to. Seems fitting you are the last person as well.

Thank you all for the memories created and shared. Probably won't miss any of you, lmao, I mean most of you. Later!

-Em p.2
Stay in touch, I'll msg you <3


Resigned Meme
Aww thank you xd Sad to see you go :c
Congrats on being able to push through everything though, I know it can be hard... but I guess that's what we get for being girls on the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Best of luck to you though!


Well-Known Member
*makes application*
*quits server*

anyways, I hope you enjoy whatever your doing in life and remember if you ever want to come back we are here for you <3 you were kind of toxic though. Sail on sailor!