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Infernal Seek (Forum Contest) - Hide and Seek With Prizes


Well-Known Member
This new contest will be starting soon. Infernal Seek is a fun game of intuition and dumb luck that will give you the opportunity to open up 1 of 500 chests each day, or every other day, until the contest ends. Just check back once per day and see if the next round has started. Miss a day? No problem! As long as you participate in at least seven rounds you're good to go!

In addition to the goodies inside the chests, there will also be three $1,000,000 winners for this free to play contest. Full rules may be found here. For now, if you would like to play, you must follow these 2 instructions.

1) Add a post to this thread that says, "You'll never find me!"
2) Personally message me a number 1- 500.

Write your number down and DO NOT TELL ANYBODY! If somebody figures out your number, you will end up eliminated from the game so keep it safe. Think of it as your hiding spot. Don't be the kid who hides and then starts giggling when they get near you.

We will attempt to start this contest on August 20th but we need at least 25 participants first!
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