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How much is 1 USD in In-Game Money

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To those who are questioning the reliability of an IRL deal, I’ve done money, small and big ranging from $6 - $17. From Rank upgrades to Commands.

I always go 2nd as the IGM Dealer and I always make the IRL Dealer go first.

This works for me, because I’ve been regularly buying Ad coupins via /trade and letting them give me the coupon first to verify it’s validity and giving IGM to IRL dealers only after the rank has came in. This created a sort of trustworthiness, and a small group of IRL Dealers who I know.

You might want to start small first, doing the cheap $4 deals during Winter Sale with the larger discount. Everyone gets scammed at some point, and I’ve been scammed too. But I can safely say that a success rate of 90-95% Is Guaranteed.

Some points to point out to reduce the odds of you being scammed.
1. DONT do raw money deals with people who are below CandyPrince, such as paying someone $4bil to buy someone Muncher or sth and you aren’t buying ad Coupons from him. Raw Money Dealing is higher risk but a lot less troublesome. If you go first.

2. DONT do Ad Coupon deals with people you don’t see online often. They may be either be using a used coupon or just be scamming you. Only do Ad coupons with people you trust. Or have a friendship with on the server.

3. If you are really desperate, you can choose to MSG a high donor ranker. As they would most likely know that scamming is bannable, and they may not know if you are recording them. Furthermore, the fact that they bought a rank, means that they would more likely be able to help you make an IRL purchase. However, they would also likely ask for a higher price per $1 USD. But it would be significantly more reliable.

4. Don’t Announce your deals in Chat unless there’s really no one on that you know very well to do a deal with you. MSG’ing people who you think would be able to do your IRL deal is better. As you won’t attract MSG Spammers who ask you for money or scammers who want to scam your money. (This works, if you know quite abit of people and both of you trust each other)

Lastly, I hope that this doesn’t sound like a personal Attack, to those who I said not to trade with. I just want to reduce his risk of being scammed, by generalising people and stereotyping them based on their in-game status.

I sincerely, apologize if I made anyone here feel uncomfortable or saddened. Don’t take it to heart.
After a few replies, I have seen a suggestion of around 700mil from about 4-5 people, I will add that to the suggestions and conclusion.
However, there was no reason or explanation of why it should be 700mil other than "because people say so" or "people do it for this much".

The only type of reason I saw was why comparing to the money bags in the shop is not a good way to judge the price: "The money bags in the shop are overpriced like many other things (As they could easily be obtained fairly easily in comparison to buying them in the shop)" -Furball's suggestion (but I did restate the point/ its not word to word)

So, on top of adding the reason "Many people agree with this price" <Which I am only adding this because more than 3 people suggested it even though there was no proper explanation/evidence>, I will add my own suggested reason for why it should be about 700mil per USD "700mil would be equivalent to mining for a straight hour with getting about 11.7mil per minute [Which could maybe be mining in hoarder mine with a semi-decent pick for an hour=1 USD]

I find my reason would be a good reason as IRL dealers I'm assuming are doing the IRL deals as:
#1: The IRL Dealers might want to have a quick prestige with that money (Which for example instant freeworld costs 9 usd in the store with 40% off, and doing 700mil per usd IRL deal = 6.3bil, but prestiging from scratch twice costs only like 5bil so that's an extra 1.3bil right there/about 2usd cheaper...this is even more worth it if wanting to buy instant nether)
#2: From my own testing, using a Fortune 75 pick (Winter pick) gets me about 1mil per minute in Chomper mine. And with my Jackhammer 25 and Merchant 25 pick (but only fort 25) **I also had /fly and /sellall to make it slightly quicker/easier**, I got about 10mil per minute. So even if the IRL Dealer had a merchant 25 and jackhammer 25 pick and was in chomper mine, he(or she) would still have to mine for an hour if they didnt want to pay 1 USD. But more likely I would think maybe that person is in either gobbler, chomper, hoarder or above BUT with a worse pick than mine. So the price of 700mil per USD with this reason would be a very reasonable and good price.

Also 3 more things I would like to add:
1: I am going to also add to the Thread a Pros and Cons of the different prices-- Why the price is bad/unreasonable and why the price is good/reasonable, so if you disagree with them you can also reply and tell me why and I can add it to the list.
2: If anybody paid IRL Money for IGM deal before, please tell me why you wanted the IGM. Was it for prestige? Buying stuff from /ah? to be on top bal?
3: If theres anyone in high mines, do tell me how much money you get per inventory and per minute. And if you could do IRL deals, would do an IRL deal or just Mine/ How long do you play OpBlocks a day.


Active Member
The competition is definitely expanding! With so many people wanting to buy the ad coupons you get people buying it for higher prices. I’ve had people buying them for 1bil and people buying them for 700mil. I think the average is about 750mil and I believe it will keep rising due to competition.

Be sure to check out DannyPX in game and on the forums @DannyPX for your best deals on ad coupons!! 1USD for 1bil!! Hurry now limited time offer!
That’s true, but after the winter sale/New year’s sale there won’t be a sale anytime soon. Then the Ad coupon prices would drop. As less people would find the need to buy the Ad coupons as the shop is still so expensive.

At the moment the demand is high due to the release of winter chests/CandyGod and with the winter sale following the new items this coming weekend.

Prices would be pushed up for now, but I would always be here for deals before/after/during the sale to purchase ad coupons for 650-700mil.

I’ve already achieved my goal to getting CGod via ad Coupons partially because I started buying ad coupons from others since the 2nd or 3rd day of the realease of ad coupons. Which ended up with me not feeling the crunch of the huge demand as I do not have any desired at the moment.

Would I sell at a higher price this season? Maybe yes or no, it really depends on whether I feel like I’m in the spirit to give away free ranks. Cause I have no point in buying ad coupons atm anyways.

But if you need to sell your ad coupons after the sale, I’ll always be here with the 650mil per dollar no matter the sale or discount to buy it from you.



Active Member

200mil= 1 USD -- Reason(s) why
Its a good price:
Even buying a Large Money Pouch (60usd), and if you get the max amount of money possible from it (6BIL), it is still only giving you 100mil per 1usd, so even if there is a 50% discount 200mil per 1usd is still a good price.
Its a bad price:
The money bags in the shop are overpriced like many other things (As they could easily be obtained fairly easily/easier in comparison to buying them in the shop)"

400mil= 1 USD -- Reason(s) why
Its a good price:
The shop had a 40% discount even without any special events and the Christmas Sale is (probably) 65% discount, so if you get max money from large money pouch it would give about 286mil per 1usd. So even if there is a 75% discount, and you get the max money, the price of 400mil= 1usd would still be a good price, and there might not even be a 75% discount sale so the extra money given is to make the IRL dealers do the trade with us and not buy directly from the store.
Its a bad price:
The money bags in the shop are overpriced like many other things (As they could easily be obtained fairly easily/easier in comparison to buying them in the shop)"

700mil= 1 USD -- Reason(s) why
Its a good price:
Many people seem to agree and are content with this price...
#2: This price is great for a quick prestige. (For example, instant freeworld costs 9 usd in the store with 40% off, and doing 700mil per usd IRL deal = 6.3bil, but prestiging from scratch twice costs only like 5bil so that's an extra 1.3bil right there/about 2usd cheaper...this is even more worth it if wanting to buy instant nether)
#3: From my own testing, using a Fortune 75 pick (Winter pick) gets me about 1mil per minute in Chomper mine. And with my Jackhammer 25 and Merchant 25 pick (but only fort 25) **I also had /fly and /sellall to make it slightly quicker/easier**, I got about 10mil per minute. So even if the IRL Dealer had a merchant 25 and jackhammer 25 pick and was in chomper mine, he(or she) would still have to mine for an hour if they wanted to mine for money instead of doing IRL deals. But more likely I would think maybe that person is in either gobbler, chomper, hoarder or above BUT with a worse pick than mine. So the price of 700mil per USD with this reason would be a very reasonable and good price.
You are contradicting yourself saying that 200mill and 400mill for a dollar is to much on the store and then going down and saying that 700mil is reasonable. Now if you are talking about trading igm for steam money it may be accurate but if its for rank and stuff off the store idk you've confusaled me and yes I know confusaled isn't a word...
You are contradicting yourself saying that 200mill and 400mill for a dollar is to much on the store and then going down and saying that 700mil is reasonable. Now if you are talking about trading igm for steam money it may be accurate but if its for rank and stuff off the store idk you've confusaled me and yes I know confusaled isn't a word...
Basically, the store's money bags give something around 200-400mil per dollar from money bags and there is a counter to this saying that money bags in store are overpriced like certain other items (and when I say overpriced I mean the IRL money value of the item should be lower but it is not, aka its overpriced) Since they are overpriced in IRL money, the IGM should be higher per dollar. And 700mil per dollar also had other reasons why it is a good/reasonable price.

So how much is this in citacoin? I would like to know because I am a very serious investor
If you are serious about this uhh...I guess find out the value of citacoin in IRL money then multiply it by the value suggested per usd...and you get the value of 1 citacoin in IGM....I think...
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