Hey Guys Its NesGum here and....
Welcome to Guess the picture!
Rules Are as followed:
You Post a picture and shrink it down so it is barely recognizable,
you post the small image and the next person guess's the previous picture. When someone guess's your picture leave a spoiler with the original Image. Ive seen this before and its pretty funny. Normal forum rules apply and I cant wait what you guys come up with!
(This one should be easy)
First Image Shrunken:
Welcome to Guess the picture!
Rules Are as followed:
You Post a picture and shrink it down so it is barely recognizable,
you post the small image and the next person guess's the previous picture. When someone guess's your picture leave a spoiler with the original Image. Ive seen this before and its pretty funny. Normal forum rules apply and I cant wait what you guys come up with!
(This one should be easy)
First Image Shrunken: