This is the official Flux Faction Recruitment Thread.
You will be answering the following questions:
Do you have Discord:
Expirence with Factions:
Tell me a joke:
What are you good at faction wise(For Example: Base Building/ PvP/ Cannoning):
Do you have a donation rank?:
Do you have a mic (only answer if you have discord):
Fill out the following questions to be considered as a new member of Flux
If you have any questions /Msg Spartannn In game. We will be reach out to you if you are accepted. *WARNING* Do not Spam Flux Members Ingame for updates on Applications to join or they will be skipped. *WARNING*
You will be answering the following questions:
Do you have Discord:
Expirence with Factions:
Tell me a joke:
What are you good at faction wise(For Example: Base Building/ PvP/ Cannoning):
Do you have a donation rank?:
Do you have a mic (only answer if you have discord):
Fill out the following questions to be considered as a new member of Flux
If you have any questions /Msg Spartannn In game. We will be reach out to you if you are accepted. *WARNING* Do not Spam Flux Members Ingame for updates on Applications to join or they will be skipped. *WARNING*