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Dioed's Staff Application

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New Member
What is your first name?:
What is your IGN?:
What is your nickname? (If Any):
What are your previous IGNs? (If Any):
How old are you?:
What is your timezone?:
What is your primary gamemode?:
Why would you like to be a staff member?:
i enjoy the server and love all the mods and like to socialize with them and would like to help the server to cure my boredom and depression
What makes you stand out over other applicants?:
im very active and i'm rarely not and I know most commands of a lot of plugin and default minecraft due my friend opping me on his server
How active are you on the server? Describe your typical availability.:
1-4 hours but i just mess around in that time but if i do get helper i'll be very active to prove my worth
What previous experience do you have with server moderation? If none, leave blank.:
yes on one of my friends server i was the assistant to help moderate
When did you join OPBlocks?:
like a month ago but was not very active within that time
Do you have any previous punishments on any server/s? If so, explain.:
yes i do have a what I believe is a false ban on hypixel for a month and still have that is why im very bored oh and i've been muted because my friend got into my account and said alt f4 for diamonds but I changed my password so it shouldn't happen anymore
Please provide a video URL proving you are able to record.:
How many applications have you made prior to this? What date?:
Anything else?:
no not really
You notice the server is offline. What do you do?:
i would report the server owner or a person with a higher ranking
You are arguing with a player who starts attacking you. What do you do?:
kindly ask them to stop but if they do not listen give them a warning but if they still continue mute them for 15 minutes or more
You catch a friend breaking the rules. How would you approach this situation?:
I'd tell him to stop but if he still continued id kick and if he still continued I'd ban him for a a few weeks or even more depending on how bad it is
If a rule has been broken but is not fully explained, what will you do?:
I'd talk to the person and try to make them have a better understanding of what they did wrong and why they go a punishment I don't really understand this one and I don't think i did it correctly


New Member
Hey Dioed, I would just suggest adding more detail to your responses. Also, I noticed a couple of grammatical issues, so I would suggest using Grammarly. Also in the question "What makes you stand out over other applicants," your response didn't make it seem like you stand out. Also, I would suggest being with the community for a longer amount of time before applying.


New Member
Hey Dioed, I would just suggest adding more detail to your responses. Also, I noticed a couple of grammatical issues, so I would suggest using Grammarly. Also in the question "What makes you stand out over other applicants," your response didn't make it seem like you stand out. Also, I would suggest being with the community for a longer amount of time before applying.
Just did this as a joke not trying to really get helper just did for fun


Not MȏԀєяѧṭȏя
The application is decent. I think it needs more detail. You don't care anyways cuz you did it for a joke as you said above
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