Hey everyone, apologize for the delay on the build competition results, but here they are!
Congratulations to the winners! Please private message me on the forums to claim your giftcard.
If you are interested where you placed / what your scoring was, you can click here to view the full scoring document.
I hope everyone had fun, I definitely plan on doing more of these types of events in the future, and I thank everyone for participating!
PS: Expect a fairly large content update in the coming weeks, and thank you all for last weekend (we hit 130 players!
) Also, the 70% off sale has ended! (It's now 50% off
- 2good2betrue & JustInfiHere - Wins a $50 giftcard.
- BlameWorthy - Wins a $25 giftcard.
- wammy2 & javice2006 - Wins a $10 giftcard.
Congratulations to the winners! Please private message me on the forums to claim your giftcard.
If you are interested where you placed / what your scoring was, you can click here to view the full scoring document.
I hope everyone had fun, I definitely plan on doing more of these types of events in the future, and I thank everyone for participating!
PS: Expect a fairly large content update in the coming weeks, and thank you all for last weekend (we hit 130 players!