Sorry for the
extremely late reply,
some people, like me, have issues opening challenges menu and there is another bug that i have reported involving prestige kits
- potato
The challenge GUI is now working for me, could you please try again and let me know if anything has changed? Thanks in advance.
Regarding to Bugs on OpBlocks:
1.In plot world blocks sell for less having as a result plot mines to be useless since rank mines can give someone both rank perks and rank mine. Plot world should give more money per block than mine world.
2.Prestige kits bug.
3.Uncommon seeds give after farmed rare candies and rare seeds give uncommon candies
4.Challenges are often broken for some people on the server
5./autosell or /sell sells plotmines if you have them in inventory
6.Backpacks are broken
7.The only critters that work in game are sell critter and generator critter and the sell critter doesn't work on /autosell at all. Regarding that, my opinion is that since critters werent used all v9, they should be given back at v10
8.The portal in spawn for mine A doesn't work
1. Could you please let me know if this has changed. Should have been fixed.
2. This should have been fixed

3. This has been forwarded to our developer.
4. As previously stated above, it is now working for me (I encountered the same issue). Could you please try and let me know if this has changed for you?
5. This should have also been fixed

6. Backpacks are disabled. There is no real point for them seeing as though everyone has access to ./sell all
7. Critters should have been fixed, no one has been reporting any issue with them lately so you may need to look at this again. These will not be refunded next season.
When picking up blocks at your plot sometimes they won’t stack and will fill your inventory with single items
Someone else had this issue too (I think it was
@dake )
This is known, we don't understand why it is exactly happening but we are able to replicate it. We are looking into it.
1.V9 brought a huge change in the eco of the server, making blocks sell for less and giving half of Etokens and Credits ir previously gave. Even though that happened the creditshop has the same prices, making it a market only for people who use razzles and get a better amount of credits or people who afk in chat waiting for chatgame to pop-up. Same thing with etokens and the prices of pickaxe enchantments. And since the server is probably going to have more enchantments for pickaxes, this should be taken under consideration.
2.Pvp in game is really undervalued making 97% of candies and a lot of armor and sword enchantments useless. Making pvp more intresting as the server becomes bigger should really be a thing(More random events, prizes for killing people etc). Duels should also be added back at the game too. This will make farming a lot more intresting since everyone is farming only for razzles and the server would have a bigger variety of things someone can do,therefore the server being more exciting.
3.Gangs are really a useless add to the server because noone is using them for anything else than a bank to deposit their money when prestiging. So i think you shound add a bank feature or remove the 10bil cap in bank notes. This way trading will be way easier and scamming can be reduced.
4.The 1bill money cap in /auctionhouse should be way bigger cause things go for way higher prices than 1bil.
5.Crates are really underestimated too. My opinion is that there should be less type of crates and focus more on the ones left, making the rewards they give better.
6.Minecrates in mines should be more rewarding since they are way too rare and they give people 25mil, which is nothing. Minecrates should give rewards depending on prestige or at least mine.
7.About prestige, prestiging doesn't feel rewarding enough so someone wants to do it. And since the whole point of mining is prestiging in the max level possible, prestige mines should be added or at least sell for more money per block if u are higher prestige. Prestige kits are also not rewarding enough. For example p30 kit gives 3bil but u need a lot of Tril to get there. 3bil is nothing when u are at that point.
1. More custom enchants have been added, ETokens are being credited at a completely new rate as opposed to how they originally were. This should have hopefully changed the economy.
2. We are looking into making PvP a bigger factor and more encouraging for players next season. Hopefully players will like the changes we are making to it.
3. This is pointless.
4. This should have been increased drastically.
5. Envoy crates (I assume you are referring to these) should have been buffed. If we still see them as being too light, we may re-buff them again.
6. Confliction with MineCrates and LuckyBlocks are a huge issue and we are looking into it.
7. We are looking into reworking prestige kits and the perks that they will give.