I am recruiting people for AgroStreak, if you wanna join then you need a 150+ killstreak, 750+ kills, and a player k/d ratio over 4, Decent at PvP, and have a 5 or over in PvP skills to join. Here are the gang stats. Also this gang has the 3rd best kd ratio on the server.
You need a screenshot for proof of everything accept the IGN, Anything Else part, and the Rate of PvP skills. This is the format to join.
Player k/d ratio:
Anything Else:
Rate of PvP Skills (1-10):
Donator Rank:
You need a screenshot for proof of everything accept the IGN, Anything Else part, and the Rate of PvP skills. This is the format to join.
Player k/d ratio:
Anything Else:
Rate of PvP Skills (1-10):
Donator Rank:
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