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Dedicated Member
I was allowed to come back, after resigning 2 days ago.
So if you were to make a thread about leaving and then 2 days later you ask to be staff again and you get it? I think you should have to re apply like all the other staff have.


/seen emelade and yes it's xmas but do /seen on the other staff aswell
Okay, when you are at school day to night everyday, graduating at 16, and being accepted to both of the top schools for your major, I will listen to you complain about me not playing a video game for a few days.. Have a wonderful holiday Pathos!


Dedicated Member
Okay, when you are at school day to night everyday, graduating at 16, and being accepted to both of the top schools for your major, I will listen to you complain about me not playing a video game for a few days.. Have a wonderful holiday Pathos!
If you don't have time to be staff, then why be one? I enjoy you as a staff but you are never online and I think you should have to reapply. Don't you think there are people more capable and that will put more time into the community?
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Senior Member
so hi,

@emelade was allowed to come back as she's done a great job at staffing. She resigned for 2-3 days and but then asked if she could join back, so she was able to without applying. She has experience with the staff team and knows how to get stuff done correctly. If it was a few weeks after she resigned, then she most likely would have to reapply.

/seen emelade and yes it's xmas but do /seen on the other staff aswell
As emelade stated, she has been busy. As for me, I have moved in with my dad & he doesn't have internet service until Wednesday night and so I've been using my phone data/hotspot to just be on forums, my hotspot isn't really allowing me to connect to multiplayer servers on Minecraft.

I'm going to lock this thread but if anyone has any questions regarding emelade's promotion to helper then feel free to message one of us.
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