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  1. iCodeSQL

    iCodeSQL's Introduction

    Hello everyone! My name is iCodeSQL, I recently started playing OPBLOCKS after getting back into MC. I was having a lot of fun, and got invited to a gang - so I thought I was going to stick around as I haven't dedicated time to a specific server in quite some time. I'm a Prison player, but...
  2. friqq

    Friqq's Into

    Hey guys! The name's friqq. It used to be thepowersthatbe, but I like friqq because it makes me laugh (: I have been playing on the server for about a week now, and I just joined the forums. This is a pretty great server, INSANELY ADDICTIVE my gosh. I have been totally hooked. Shoutout to...
  3. X


    Hey! I've recently heard of OPBlocks from trkeys other server PrimeMC! Many people know me there and I recognize many of you! I've gone through a name change so you might recognize me as "Mythological_", I had another, sad times when I had that name. (Plz no NameMC) If anyone can I'd appreciate...