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  1. Shrek

    Mute Evasion!

    i said o in main chat by accident lmfaooo
  2. Shrek

    Mute Evasion!

    well i got banned for msg mute evading cheers far :P
  3. Shrek

    Mute Evasion!

    ^^ thats a mee 1 week banned nice
  4. Shrek

    Mute Evasion!

    @smhreach thanks for ratting me out bb
  5. Shrek


  6. Shrek

    simon says you smell

    simon says you smell
  7. Shrek

    20m giveaway on factions

    @Luigi @Chrissehh @Mochi lock please
  8. Shrek

    Announcement OP Pets Update!

    Second Brilliant!
  9. Shrek

    20m giveaway on factions

    Giveaway has ended, and i have created a conversation with the winners. Congrats to everyone who entered and won !
  10. Shrek

    20m giveaway on factions

    I have another way of getting money besides igs lol, but the igs are a bit of an influence, but you do get what you afk, so I’m not taking anything that’s not mine lol
  11. Shrek

    20m giveaway on factions

    Hey everyone, I’m hosting a giveaway on opfactions, as 70m isn’t really much use to me, I am hosting a giveaway. Entering this giveaway is extremely simple. You must reply with these 3 steps. IGN: Why you want the 20m: What you plan on doing with the 20m: The giveaway will be drawn in one...
  12. Shrek


  13. Shrek

    Flux Faction Recruitment Template

    +1, sounds like a good guy to add :)
  14. Shrek

    Chillin' like a villain with these ads amirite :')

    Chillin' like a villain with these ads amirite :')
  15. Shrek

    Actual return to opb now :')

    Yo I'm officially making a return to opblocks, if you remember me I'm swampito, just chuck us a message below if you need anything, and my new ign is qoolqunt,so if you see me around don't be afraid to say hi, I won't bite (unless in pvp :)), and have a good day ! ~Swamp
  16. Shrek

    Starting a new schoolm just got braces, my life is a mess rn ;o

    Starting a new schoolm just got braces, my life is a mess rn ;o
  17. Shrek

    {} Boys vs Girls Forum Game! {}

  18. Shrek


    lol mighty got banned smh
  19. Shrek


    smh.. when I was twelve, I thought making minecraft songs was cool too, you'll lose the bug. :)
  20. Shrek

    Return Post

    Hey to all my v3 friends! Love to meet you again. I'll be on in around 12 hrs hope to chat then :)