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  1. crya


    https://gyazo.com/1e972e7be64c5d913aa6a5caf35f0c43 https://gyazo.com/f2f930a1eaf0bc484db2e02304d9a7cf
  2. crya


    we fina get 1.9k elo ez rset gang L yo wtf it reset to 1250 L0L0L0l r u guyz dumbo? gimie elo bak! wh3n you hit 1.9k it retset L0000000000000000000000000L i wuz at 324:9
  3. crya


    Honestly MC is just boring now, which is mostly the reason of why I'm quitting. Secondly, the Staff Team isn't as bad as I thought it would be, which made me stay for a while longer. Also when I logged on yesterday I saw that all my CL / Punch Bows and OP **** were gone, and no one is added to...
  4. crya

    750 Streak

    Recently I hit a 750 streak, but then when I killed another person my streak reset to 5, and I didn't die. @CaliX2Guns can confirm that because he knows I didn't die. I have proof of my 700 but not 750: https://gyazo.com/53a195b0a8cc748665a204c515a9e0c3 Proof of my reset...
  5. crya


    Since I'm already teamed with 2 members, I'm choosing to truce with some others also. Format: IGN: PvP Skills ( 1 - 5 ): Skype ( PM me it, it's not recommended though ) I'll 1v1 each person and decide after.
  6. crya

    1v1 - GamerGirlChrissy

    She's a god. <3 @GamerGirlChrissy Lag spikes weren't fun though :(
  7. crya

    Favorite Song(s) ?

    Post your favorites also. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7ZL92BwM9Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF6zhNliPzU
  8. crya

    Rip OPB

    Legit the forums and plug are starting to die lmao, and trkey said the server would be realeased early July. rip
  9. crya

    Top 3 Saddest Anime's you've watched.

    I was just bored ;-; 1 - Your Lie in April 2 - Anohana 3 - Angel Beats Post your favorites also! edit: Beyond the Boundary ;w;
  10. crya

    1v1 - Horah

    Young god is back at it again with 20 fps. I was nice not to upload the other two. :rolleyes: @Horah
  11. crya

    Best PvPers ?

    Who here are the best known PvPers? I would like to duel them. :^)
  12. crya


    I've been wanting to make an Intro thread for a while now, but I've been too lazy to, so yeah. Hello everyone, I'm iAnxiety or also known as patrickstar_24 or tuxn. I'm from Alex's other server PrimeMC and have been playing Prime since 2014. Stuff happened on Prime and I started getting tired...
  13. crya

    What's your CPS?

    https://kohi.net/clicks/ My first try. :^) https://gyazo.com/4f14947baac0d07fdb2b0167f09fffad