yeah i was here, just do check ups to see if this forums/ website/ server is still a thing. maybe one day i'll be an active player.
but life happens and we move on.
I trusted anti cheat clients a lot less after the jhalt situation. But again I had to use them for fps reasons. With forge or even just optifine it wasn't an enjoyable experience at all.
Ive never really played on minecraft forge ever since the release of cheatbreaker because I can't play minecraft or record gameplay comfortably. With anticheat clients that was the only way I can enjoy the game at 120fps.
Never banned in minemanclub ban waves, never banned on lunar banwaves...
And Vahald even injecting anything, even using an external autoclicker can get you autobanned by the client in the banwaves that has on an almost monthly basis. I've never been banned off lunar. (They ban you even if you set off a single alert)
Yo i looked into it and yeah. I guess it does resemble an autoclicker because I was clicking more than 12cps but I've never been banned off of any server or anticheat for it. Idk but if this server has logs you can check what I set off.