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  1. AwesomeAgent10

    Does Trkey or any of the Main Owners Get $$$

    I have been wondering for a while now where our money goes after we buy ranks and stuff with buycraft.... If'm Just asking whether it Goes to Mojang, Microsoft or the owners, or even all! Please Vote in the poll or Reply to what you think it is! ~Agent
  2. AwesomeAgent10

    Have I Been Banned?

    I was Reading McPathos's Staff application(Which Was Great) and realised he got banned and then I remembered me getting banned for something to do with Mochi and him but when I went to then ban applications it said I was not banned.. and i forgot the reason why I was banned... Somebody help me...
  3. AwesomeAgent10

    Please Help With My Rank and Rank Purchase!

    I was Thinking of buying an Upgrade to Chomper from Gobbler but the price for it has not lowered so can you please lower it or help me. Also I lost the Email for my purchase for gobbler and I forot what the date was on the purchase, I was also wondering if you could find the date of my purchase...
  4. AwesomeAgent10

    Color Codes For Nicknames

    Some People (Aka Me, Myself and I) Needed Help With The Color Codes for The NickNames. If You Also Need Help Just Go to This Link:http://minecraft.tools/en/color-code.php or look at this photo... How to Use it: For Example /nick &4AwesomeAgent10 for more colors do /nick &4Agen&8The&5God etc...
  5. AwesomeAgent10

    Logging Into Server

    I Have Recently Been Trying to get in on the new V3 Fun but i can't log into the server... Im Very Sad I Cant Log In.. Im not sure whether its me or the server... Can Some People Help Me PLz!!!!
  6. AwesomeAgent10

    I'm Back!!!

    Hey Guys I'm Back and Yes You ALL Wanted to keep me gone but NO! I am coming back lel. Im Gonna start playing OPBlocks and i know you all dont care but im just doing this.
  7. AwesomeAgent10

    Look at that green $$$

    Mining alot lol i was sooo bored i just did this and it worked xD
  8. AwesomeAgent10

    With help we destroyed it FAST!

    With the help of _Corrupt, chachar and xXNickstarMCXx we destroyed the skittles mine 100% in under 1min and 15sec or maybe under 50sec! It was so fast lol. Just wanted to spread the acheivement hehe! #MINEDESTROYER -AgentTheGod
  9. AwesomeAgent10

    Try Do the Beatbox Challenge!!! The vid will make u laugh!

    Comment how many beats you could do the same!!! I got 13.5beats right lol.. I failed so hard... Exept for the ones with throat base... Hehe lol!
  10. AwesomeAgent10

    Feeling like you cant do anything? Feel like you have no talent?

    Watch That! Young Kidz sing well! Anything is possible... I felt sad until i saw this!!! I wanted to beatbox when i was 5 now im 11 and i can beatbox now!! I hope this made u happy!! Keep Practising your talent :) -AgentTheGod
  11. AwesomeAgent10

    How to become OP in PVP

    I was Inspired by @enduroelias to do this btw. If you want to become OP in pvp follow these steps. Step 1: Buy Gobbler/ or don't Step 2: get 1bil Fast Step 3: Mine Soo much gold or buy gold from people Step 4: Get a Lot of apples and make Gapples! Step 5: Keep it to yourself because sharing...
  12. AwesomeAgent10

    Just saying Sorry... I know this wont help tho

    Sorry Mochi and Pathos, im sorry for asking Mochi if she is fat.. and or whatever i did after or before. I jst wanted to say sorry and that taught me a lesson: Not to be a smart alek... Although that personality of me might not change.. I guess i got sick of being pushed around and took it out...
  13. AwesomeAgent10

    I know nobody Cares!

    Once I get unbanned (Looking at you Pathos) Im not gonna be talking in chat alot... Probably only for getting my shop ad and also pvp! If you want to talk to me do/msg to me.. otherwise i'll be building in my plot, Mining, Crying and Writing revenge signs for Pathos! RIP -AgentTheGod! Nobody...
  14. AwesomeAgent10

    How do you Get that picture thing

    Some people when they make threads they have like this picture thing at the bottom but i dont know how to get it !! Someone please tell me! i'll pay you $0.001 in caramel!
  15. AwesomeAgent10

    Rip off?

    I bought Gobbler rank last night and i went on today to see that gobbler candy mine was worse than rank 31's. and also the mine in gobbler is the same as muncher. I don't know whether this is a bug or a rip off. If it's not a bug please increase gobbler's sell prices thx! -AgentTheGod
  16. AwesomeAgent10

    Gang Recruit for CandyOverLords

    To Join the Gang You Must Be Above Mine 12 and with Good PvP. I hope to make this gang the biggest and mightiest in the Caramel Realm. Currently with 2 players, i hope to grow bigger. CandyOverLords is already max level for a gang at level 5. Gang Rules: #1 No Asking for Money Donations Unless...