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  1. Amazing

    Announcement Change Log #1

    Hey everyone, every once in a while when I update/add things, I'll post a change log to keep you all informed. Expect one every 1-2 weeks. Hostile mobs now spawn in free world PvP has been disabled in free world Build Competition has been extended to May 7th Whoever wins the Build Competition...
  2. Amazing

    Announcement Build Competition

    OPBlocks V4's first build competition has officially started! This build competition will be extremely simple & straight forward. There is no theme! The competition ends on May 7th at midnight. (EST) All builds must be on your plot, no freeworld builds. The builds will be judged by staff. Post...
  3. Amazing

    Announcement OPBlocks V4 Release

    Hey everyone, OPBlocks V4 is finally ready to release! After nearly a month and a half of development, I'm glad to announce that we will be open tomorrow (4/26/2017) at 3 PM EST! Click here for a countdown until release Change Log There is now only one realm instead of Lollipop & Bubblegum...
  4. Amazing

    Announcement OPBlocks 4.0 Suggestions Thread

    Hey everyone! As some of you may already know, @trkey has hired me to be the new manager of OPBlocks, and help him with the creation of OPBlocks 4.0! So I thought the best way for me to get started, is to hear what the community wants to see in the next reset. Feel free to reply to this...