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  1. Thane


  2. Thane

    Just Wondering

    lol, on profile and here huh?
  3. Thane


    I'm not post farming These off topic discussions don't even really count as messages.
  4. Thane


    What do you guys think about weekends? You just get to lay around and do nothing all day. Just relax maybe take a dip in the pool?
  5. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    TY anyway :)
  6. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    Maybe the people on the internet are just trolling. I can't find a "shotcut" link
  7. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    I think shotcut is filmora actually... huh never knew that... never heard of it being called "shotcut" either
  8. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    See: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjcwPqEvKjaAhUGCWkKHeYCCloYABAAGgJpcQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESEeD2Qt4pEDXOmauOWntPZoRB&sig=AOD64_38FDi3Y9szUu2WCigaWyyVECewjg&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiOhPSEvKjaAhVLmK0KHcDyCgQQ0QwIJw&adurl=
  9. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    I searched it and it brought me right back to a Wondershare download that looks a lot like Filmora
  10. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    Can you elaborate a little more on what it is?
  11. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    I have never heard of a program called shortcut...
  12. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    What is shortcut?
  13. Thane

    Nintendo Switch

    You killed Ssundee on V2? Weird, don't remember him ever being on OPBLOCKS. Huh, maybe my imagination.
  14. Thane

    Nintendo Switch

  15. Thane

    What types of video editors do you guys recommend?

    I was thinking of starting up a Youtube Channel. I recorded some content using OBS, then I was planning on using a program that is not available on Windows 10. So then I downloaded Wondershare Filmora which I realized later doesn't really have the best editing software in it. So what would you...