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Recent content by Wixz

  1. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Thank you ;) . This server has the best staff
  2. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Thank you c:
  3. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Thank you , and i am also happy that helper is replying to my thread :DD <3
  4. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Thank you ^-^ i hope i see you more often
  5. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Thank you . What is you ign ?
  6. Wixz

    Introducing myself :D

    Hello OPblocks players My friend (zMaryo) invited me to the server before yesterday i'm really enjoying that server . And yeah i am level 23 on my 3rd day .