Longer Version (optional)
Team Name:
Why did you chose this name?:
We are all Ogs
Team Leader:
What makes you
think this player is a
good team leader?:
Strategically great and knows just about everyone.
Team Supporter(s):
(gives gear)
@mason @Pathos again @DdubsRulez2
Why chose these people
or this person as
your team supporter?:
Most Have candy warrior and has a lot of gear
Team PvPer(s):
Me, @angyma , Kiihara @aDegenerate @nationalities , mister_T @Strength__xD @Cowie
What makes you
chose this or these pvper(s)?:
Most are loyal and good at pvp knows what they are doing
Team Talker(s):
(People who are
in the team
but they don't PvP,
just talk kinda.)
@Chrissehh @Mochi Kry
Can calm people down and are all just really nice.
Team Name:
Why did you chose this name?:
We are all Ogs
Team Leader:
What makes you
think this player is a
good team leader?:
Strategically great and knows just about everyone.
Team Supporter(s):
(gives gear)
@mason @Pathos again @DdubsRulez2
Why chose these people
or this person as
your team supporter?:
Most Have candy warrior and has a lot of gear
Team PvPer(s):
Me, @angyma , Kiihara @aDegenerate @nationalities , mister_T @Strength__xD @Cowie
What makes you
chose this or these pvper(s)?:
Most are loyal and good at pvp knows what they are doing
Team Talker(s):
(People who are
in the team
but they don't PvP,
just talk kinda.)
@Chrissehh @Mochi Kry
Can calm people down and are all just really nice.
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