This is Thanos Cat. You know what Thanos Cat is? Well, you see, it all started this one summer when my friend and I decided to visit Olive Garden.
My friend did not especially like Oliver Garden. Here is the script for what happened:
Enter: Olive Garden, the essential restraunt for essentiality
Friend: Not like this place, me
Me: Ah yes, you like this place not. To leave, would you?
Friend eats his own ear and becomes a jellyfish
Friend: Thoust shall not fish
Me: Hmmm. You want the little italy or more italy?
I turn into a carrot because I am allergic to white possums.
Friend: Ah, its carrot. You are the root of my problems
Me: Good pun indeed. Secret Lettuce
Friend: Secret Lettuce
Me: Chameleon
Friend: Salamander
But why would we say this? No reason? Maybe some reason? Possible? Free 6ix9ine and cirlce Mobamba on multiple choice test?
We rode off into the distance
No reason to do so
But we did
Because we can
"Olive Coca-Cola Pepsi - Because you can."