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Staff History and Status

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This thread will document the staff changes and staff members.

Down here I will list all the current Staff Members,
First you need to know this:

Owner - Red
Managers - Maroon
Administrators - Blue
Senior Moderators - Pink
Moderators - Green
Helpers - Light Blue
Developers -Orange
Player- Black

Staff member changes
xJustsayori, Accepted on 22 February - Promoted to Mod on 23 March - Current

Robrussia, Accepted on 12 August - Promoted to Mod on 29 September - Promoted to Sr Mod on 23 March - Current

ChrisClassics, Accepted on 21 February - Promoted to Mod on 7 March - Promoted to Sr Mod on 8 April - Current

SaltyBunny, Accepted on 16 February - Demoted on 22 February - Old Staff

Destineformemes, Accepted on 16 February - Promoted to Mod on 16 March - Current

SirRohan, Accepted on 11 February - Demoted on 30 March - Old Staff

KimPotatosson, Accepted on 10 February - Resigned on 5 April - Old Staff

JustRenox, Accepted on 5 February - Promoted to Mod on 16 March - Current

YepItsSkelly, Accepted on 17 January - Promoted to Mod on 16 February - Demoted on 5 April - Old Staff

RedactedVendetta, Accepted 3 January - Promoted to Mod on 16 February - Resigned on 10 April - Old Staff

JimTheBrit, Accepted on 27 December – Promoted to Mod on 4 February - Resigned on 3 March - Old Staff

Peppernado, Accepted on 7 December - Demoted/Resigned on an unknown date - Old Staff

BramDaniel, Accepted on 3 September - Promoted to Mod on 16 December - Promoted to Sr Mod on 5 February - Promoted to Admin on 16 February - Resigned on 9 April - Old Staff

Fugitive, Accepted on 12 august - Promoted to Mod on 29 September - Promoted to Admin on 24 December - Current

Lovebailey, Accepted on 7 March - Promoted to Mod on 27 March - Resigned on 4 April - Old Staff

Tiru3007, Accepted on 7 March - Promoted to Mod on 23 March - Resigned on 11 April - Old Staff

ElvenRider, Accepted on 7 March - Promoted to Mod on 27 March - Promoted to Sr Mod on 8 April - Current

Intently, Accepted on 17 March - Promoted to Mod on 27 March - Resigned on 7 April - Old Staff

WorldFutsalV, Accepted on 17 March - Current

Caph, Accepted on 17 March - Demoted on 5 April - Old Staff

Urbanajlucas, Hired on 22 March - Current

Becauseeeeee, Accepted on 25 March - Current

BigCDG, Accepted on 25 March - Promoted to Mod on 11 April - Current

Dezandcourttv, Accepted on 25 March - Current

Lefky10, Accepted on 25 March - Promoted to Mod on 4 April - Current

Epic1Online, Accepted on 25 March - Promoted to Mod on 4 April - Current

far9448, Accepted on 25 March - Promoted to Mod on 11 April - Current

1velo1, Accepted on 27 March - Current

Markie, Accepted on 27 March - Current

____Penguin____, Accepted on 27 March - Promoted to Mod on 11 April - Current

Pez_Dorado, Accepted on 1 April - Resigned/Demoted on 9 April - Old Staff

Uhnomalous, Accepted on 1 April - Current

puckstercraft, Accepted on 1 April - Current

cowofsteel, Accepted on 8 April - Current

AnnaPlays_, Accepted on 8 April - Current

Current Staff in order:

Saito - @Saito

Urbanajlucas - @Urbanajlucas | Josh

Fugitive - @Fugitive

Robrussia - @Robrussia
ChrisClassics - @ChrisClassics
ElvenRider - @ElvenRider

xJustSayori - @xJustSayori
Justrenox - @JustRenox
Destineformemes - @DestineForMemes
BigCDG - @BigCDG
Lefky10 - @Lefky10
Epic1Online - @Epic1Online
far9448 - @far9448
____Penguin____ - @____Penguin____

WorldFutsalV - @WorldFutsal
Becauseeeeee - @Becauseeeeee
Dezandcourttv - @Dez
1velo1 - @velo
Markie - @Markie
Uhnomalous - @Uhnomalous
puckstercraft - @PUCK
cowofsteel - @CowOfSteel
AnnaPlays_ - @AnnaPlays_

This is what I have so far,
I will continue later with this thread,
If you have more information that I can use here, please send me a message via discord.(Markie#2020)
If the information I mentioned is not correct, please let me know.
Have a nice day!

(Credits: Robrussia for giving me some information)
Last edited by a moderator:
i feel that the format is neat to my satisfaction, but it could use some working on. and definitely update the new staff and staff that have left.