Ugh. If SSundee starts a series on here, sure, I'll be happy because I do actually like his videos, but then since he has 6 million subs, I can imagine the amount of fanboys who would flock to the server... R.I.P. OPB :/
I'm just gonna say this once, but Ssundee probably just connected so people couldn't do /nick Ssundee anymore. Unless he posts a video on OPBlocks, I would say my theory is correct.
Please no. Well, only under one condition. You don't know what id do to play on the old OPB, with the same people, same everything. Those were the good days.
Please no. Well, only under one condition. You don't know what if do to play on the old OPB, with the same people, same everything. Those were the good days.
Please no. Well, only under one condition. You don't know what if do to play on the old OPB, with the same people, same everything. Those were the good days.