The reason I am making this post is that it has gotten out of control. There are constantly people complaining, for good reason. There are dozens of duplicating item losing glitches. So instead of fixing these glitches what do you do? The answer is you add in more buggy plugins. Awesome Idea. Instead of adding in these ****py pluggins how about the staff fix the existing problems. EVERY SINGLE PERSON THINKS THIS. We don't even have voting... like really? Kiihara lost a 743 killstreak to the ****py plugin. People have lost maxed picks sets of clord and their best items through dueling. The problem is reocurring. Stop adding in pluggins until you fix the bugs we already have. Half the staff don't know the time for bans and the other half are never on. I've been playing for a month and have never seen trkey. Something needs to be done. If you care about opblocks like this post and reply saying #FixOPBlocks
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