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Proof That Super_Blockers Thread IS False

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I Have No ScreenShots To Prove This But I'm going to give you mide side of the story for this argument

1st Saying I Named Myself Super_Blocker Go Die UR Self is very inaccurate
I /nicked as Cancer_DieUrSelf. As you can see they are very differentin a way where super_blocker has bent the nick to target him.

2nd Cyberbullying. true I do bully him But the stuff calling him cancer and aids and autistic was started by the community before me consisting of others that also hate him, With Everyone hating him I decided to hop onto the bandwagon of calling him names along with the community
3rd Suicide encouragement. First Off I have never told anyone on Opblocks or any server to harm themselves in real life. nor will I ever. Thing Is Super_Blocker Was spamming in chat Plot the other day for all of us to go kill ourselves, so take that into account that he might have used that situation to try and blame me for chat abuse.

4th What he considers "Fun"

Super_Blocker Considers jumping into the warzone and then automatically tping out a source of entertainment and then taunts us in chat for not being able to get him. Doing this made the community angry and that's what gave us a reason to hate super_Blocker.

That's all I have to say for now in a response to super_blockers player report on me.
Good Day
Your fellow nub, Plasma
It isn't okay for anyone to call anyone else autistic, cancer and aids. Not even touching on suicide, because I have struggled with that myself, and if you ever tell someone to kill themselves, even as a joke, you don't deserve the life you have. They are serious things that shouldn't be insults that are spoken of lightly. There may be no proof, but I hope the staff will punish these people accordingly.


Infamous Member
Thread locked to prevent a flame war. And Super_Blocker DID tell you to commit suicide, which he has already been punished for. That doesn't give you the right to call him cancer, aids, autistic, etc. Both of you are at fault here, and if you could just stop fighting I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.
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