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OPBlocks V4 Questionnaire!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the OPBlocks V4 Questionnaire!

Here you will be answering questions based on the experience you are having right now on V4!

So let's get started...

1. What makes the game more exciting to play?
A. Players B. Gameplay
2. What is the most major change you think is put into V4?
3. What can be changed/fixed/added to make V4 a better and funnier place to be in?
4. How would you rate the server changes so far?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Do you think the staff team did a good job?
Yes No
6. Do you like the maps/builds in this game?
Yes No
7. How would you rate the staff team so far?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8. Do you think V4 can do better?
Yes No
9. How dank is your meme?
A. Dankiest Of All B. Dankful C. You don't wanna know
10. Do you like BazerKing?
A. Yes B. YASSSSS C. No D. Go away you ugly face no one likes you bazerking go cry to ur mummy
Thanks for being a part of the OPBlocks community! Enjoy your day!