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How I Feel And Might Quit

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Active Member
So, I'm from prime and know many people on OPBlocks as friends and I love seeing the community. But currently with summer, I have a lot of time and i'm starting to feel insane and thinking of things like suicide and all, it is worrying me. So for now I might quit OPBlocks for the reason so I can get away from drama and I can hopefully feel better, I will still be on quite a lot but if my responds are mixed or the feeling im putting myself behind all, this is why. Once school comes back I will hopefully be better and have time to do my homework. Love you all but I need time to think, im worried about myself and im starting to feel im making others feel horrible in a starcastic way. This will probably be in effect for a week to a month, thanks for supporting me or not, it just benefits the community that I tell you what I feel. School might be the reason im not dead yet, love you all ~Rock


Active Member
Completely understandable @Jewles one should never have to think of Sucide please if it escalates to a level where you starting planning it tell someone you know in real life and their are people you can call such as Child Line put stay strong Pal.

I'm here for you if you need me to and take your time come back once your troubles are in the past.

Wish you on the best of luck on the road to recovery.



mod who has become a senior
Rock, no :( You're one of my oldest friends :/ Anyway I do wish you luck in the future, and I sincerely hope nothing bad happens to you (I'm sure you know what I mean, with what you said about thinking those strange things :/). Good luck, my friend. It was fun while it lasted. Do visit sometimes.

Best wishes,

P.S. I told you to sleep earlier instead of playing until 4:00 AM -.- Listen to me next time :/


Senior Member
I think about this the same way, the only reason I'm still playing is because of the gambling system. :p


Dedicated Member
@Jewles we never really knew each other well but I know what your going through life is hard man you just have to find a way and push through no matter how hard it is


Jewles dude,

Take your time, the server is always open. Focus on yourself first. You are always first priority. You, family, school, video games. Take your time, don't come back unless you think you're ready, or if this game helps. This game is one of my few cooping skills. Gets my mind off of real world. Go take your time and don't worry about a minecraft server we'll still be here (hopefully), for when you come back. Focus on yourself first dude

Life is worth living... I promise

Good luck my friend
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