Hey Everyone Its Havoc And here is my list of almost Every possible hack! This thread will contain a list of most if not all of the hacks available on hacked clients. I am in no way suggesting you should use hacks, I discourage it, however this makes it easier to understand what hacks are possible and what they're called if you're planning on reporting someone.
Purple - Mods in hacked clients that bypass AntiCheats
Orange - Commonly known hacks
Red - Hacks
AutoEat - Automatically eats food when you haven't got full hunger bars.
AutoSplashPot - Automatically throws splash healing potions if your health is below the set value.
AutoSoup - Automatically eats soup if your health is below the set value.
AntiAFK - Walks around randomly to hide you from AFK detectors.
AutoSign - Instantly writes whatever text you want on every sign you place. Once activated, you can write normally on one sign to specify the text for all other signs.
AutoBuild - Automatically builds the selected template whenever you place a block.
AutoWalk - Automatically walks all the time.
AutoMine - Automatically mines a block as soon as you look at it.
AutoTool - Automatically uses the best tool in your hotbar to mine blocks.
AutoFish - Automatically catches fish.
AutoRespawn - Automatically respawns you whenever you die.
AntiMAC - Makes other mods bypass AntiCheat or blocks them if they can't.
AutoArmor - Automatically manages your armor.
AutoSprint - Automatically makes you sprint whenever you walk.
AntiFire - Blocks damage from catching on fire. Requires a full hunger bar.
AntiPotion - Blocks bad potion effects.
AntiSpam - Blocks chat spam (e.g. Spam! said 3 times in a row will be changed to Spam! [x3]).
AntiBlind - Blocks blindness and nausea.
AntiKnockback - Protects you from taking knockback/getting pushed by players, mobs and fluids.
FastEat - Allows you to eat food much faster.
NameTags - Makes nametags bigger so you can always read them. Also shows nametags of players who are sneaking/crouching.
Kaboom - Breaks blocks around you like an explosion.
FancyChat - Replaces ASCII characters in sent chat messages with fancier unicode characters. Can bypass chat filters. Doesn't work on servers that block unicode characters.
Panic - Instantly turns off all enabled mods.
MassTPA - Sends a TPA request to all players. Stops if someone accepts. (Only works on servers with the /tpa command)
NameProtect - Hides all players names.
BaseFinder - Finds player bases by searching for man-made blocks. Good for finding faction bases.
SafeWalk - Protects you from falling down as if you were sneaking.
FastBow - Turns your bow into a machine gun (arrows are fired very fast).
Trajectories - Predicts the flight path of arrows and throwable items such as snowballs.
HealthTags - Adds the health of players to their nametags.
PlayerESP - Allows you to see players through walls.
Tracers - Draws lines to players around you to track them down.
PlayerFinder - Finds far players during thunderstorms.
Phase - Exploits a bug in NoCheat+ that allows you to glitch through blocks.
Headless - Makes you look like your head is gone on other players' screens.
HeadRoll - Makes you look like your head is rololing around on other players' screens.
TPAura - Automatically attacks the closest valid entity while teleporting around it.
BowAimbot - Automatically aims your bow at the closest entity.
Sneak - Automatically sneaks all the time.
XRay - Allows you to see ores through walls.
NoFall - Protects you from fall damage.
Killaura - Automatically attacks everything in your range. Adjustable speed, FOV and range.
Jetpack - Allows you to jump mid-air, as if you had a jetpack.
Freecam - Allows you to fly out of your body (only on your screen). You can go through blocks.
MultiAura - Faster Killaura that attacks multiple entities at once.
Overlay - Renders the Nuker animation when you mine a block.
SpeedHack - Allows you to run roughly 2.5x faster than you would by sprinting and jumping.
YesCheat+ - Makes other mods bypass NoCheat+ or blocks them if they can't.
BuildRandom - Places random blocks around you.
Criticals - Changes all your hits to critical hits by making you jump.
NoHurtcam - Disables the annoying effect when you get hurt.
PotionSaver - Freezes all potion effects while you are standing still.
Flight - Allows you to fly.
Fullbright - Allows you to see in the dark; makes the game as light as possible.
BunnyHop - Automatically jumps whenever you walk.
NoClip - Allows you to freely move through blocks. A block like sand must fall on your head to activate it. You will take damage when moving through blocks.
ChestESP - Allows you to see chests through walls.
Step - Allows you to step up full blocks, from 1 block to 100 blocks.
BlockHit - Automatically blocks whenever you hit something with a sword. Blockhitting was removed in 1.9.
TriggerBot - Automatically attacks the entity you're looking at.
Dolphin - Automatically swims for you when you are in water or lava.
FightBot - A bot that automatically fights for you. Walks around and kills everything.
Follow - A bot that follows the closest entity. Very annoying.
ItemESP - Allows you to see items through walls.
Jesus - Allows you to walk on water. Also allows you to walk on lava
ProphuntESP - Allows you to see fake blocks in Prophunt or Block Hunt.
Protect - A bot that follows the closest entity and protects it.
RemoteView - Allows you to see the world as someone else.
Spider - Allows you to climb up walls like a spider.
TrueSight - Allows you to see invisible entities.
Invisibility - Makes you invisible and invincible. Only works on Vanilla servers.
NoSlowdown - Cancels slowness effects caused by water, soulsand and using items (charging a bow, etc).
Glide - Makes you fall slowly, as if you had a hang glider.
HighJump - Makes you jump much higher.
Miley Cyrus - Makes you twerk like Miley Cyrus (makes you crouch and un-crouch constantly)
SpeedNuker - Faster Nuker that cannot bypass NoCheat+.
LSD - Makes everything rainbow and changing colours, also makes everything look squiggly.
Tunneller - Digs a 3x3 tunnel around you.
Regen - Regenerates your health 1000 times faster.
Derp - Makes you look like you are derping around on other peoples' screens.
NukerLegit - Slower Nuker that bypasses any cheat prevention plugin.
Nuker - Destroys blocks around you. Adjustable speed.
NoWeb - Prevents you from getting slowed down in webs.
AutoFarm - Automatically farms/harvests crops.
ArmorESP - Shows your enemies' armor.
PotionEffects - Shows active potion effects.
ClickNuker - Nukes selected blocks by clicking on them.
AutoShoot - Automatically shoots when your arrow is going to hit.
Forcefield - Makes you attack all that are around you. Practically identical to kill aura.
Sprint - Automatically sprints not only forwards, but also backwards, for you.
Purple - Mods in hacked clients that bypass AntiCheats
Orange - Commonly known hacks
Red - Hacks
AutoEat - Automatically eats food when you haven't got full hunger bars.
AutoSplashPot - Automatically throws splash healing potions if your health is below the set value.
AutoSoup - Automatically eats soup if your health is below the set value.
AntiAFK - Walks around randomly to hide you from AFK detectors.
AutoSign - Instantly writes whatever text you want on every sign you place. Once activated, you can write normally on one sign to specify the text for all other signs.
AutoBuild - Automatically builds the selected template whenever you place a block.
AutoWalk - Automatically walks all the time.
AutoMine - Automatically mines a block as soon as you look at it.
AutoTool - Automatically uses the best tool in your hotbar to mine blocks.
AutoFish - Automatically catches fish.
AutoRespawn - Automatically respawns you whenever you die.
AntiMAC - Makes other mods bypass AntiCheat or blocks them if they can't.
AutoArmor - Automatically manages your armor.
AutoSprint - Automatically makes you sprint whenever you walk.
AntiFire - Blocks damage from catching on fire. Requires a full hunger bar.
AntiPotion - Blocks bad potion effects.
AntiSpam - Blocks chat spam (e.g. Spam! said 3 times in a row will be changed to Spam! [x3]).
AntiBlind - Blocks blindness and nausea.
AntiKnockback - Protects you from taking knockback/getting pushed by players, mobs and fluids.
FastEat - Allows you to eat food much faster.
NameTags - Makes nametags bigger so you can always read them. Also shows nametags of players who are sneaking/crouching.
Kaboom - Breaks blocks around you like an explosion.
FancyChat - Replaces ASCII characters in sent chat messages with fancier unicode characters. Can bypass chat filters. Doesn't work on servers that block unicode characters.
Panic - Instantly turns off all enabled mods.
MassTPA - Sends a TPA request to all players. Stops if someone accepts. (Only works on servers with the /tpa command)
NameProtect - Hides all players names.
BaseFinder - Finds player bases by searching for man-made blocks. Good for finding faction bases.
SafeWalk - Protects you from falling down as if you were sneaking.
FastBow - Turns your bow into a machine gun (arrows are fired very fast).
Trajectories - Predicts the flight path of arrows and throwable items such as snowballs.
HealthTags - Adds the health of players to their nametags.
PlayerESP - Allows you to see players through walls.
Tracers - Draws lines to players around you to track them down.
PlayerFinder - Finds far players during thunderstorms.
Phase - Exploits a bug in NoCheat+ that allows you to glitch through blocks.
Headless - Makes you look like your head is gone on other players' screens.
HeadRoll - Makes you look like your head is rololing around on other players' screens.
TPAura - Automatically attacks the closest valid entity while teleporting around it.
BowAimbot - Automatically aims your bow at the closest entity.
Sneak - Automatically sneaks all the time.
XRay - Allows you to see ores through walls.
NoFall - Protects you from fall damage.
Killaura - Automatically attacks everything in your range. Adjustable speed, FOV and range.
Jetpack - Allows you to jump mid-air, as if you had a jetpack.
Freecam - Allows you to fly out of your body (only on your screen). You can go through blocks.
MultiAura - Faster Killaura that attacks multiple entities at once.
Overlay - Renders the Nuker animation when you mine a block.
SpeedHack - Allows you to run roughly 2.5x faster than you would by sprinting and jumping.
YesCheat+ - Makes other mods bypass NoCheat+ or blocks them if they can't.
BuildRandom - Places random blocks around you.
Criticals - Changes all your hits to critical hits by making you jump.
NoHurtcam - Disables the annoying effect when you get hurt.
PotionSaver - Freezes all potion effects while you are standing still.
Flight - Allows you to fly.
Fullbright - Allows you to see in the dark; makes the game as light as possible.
BunnyHop - Automatically jumps whenever you walk.
NoClip - Allows you to freely move through blocks. A block like sand must fall on your head to activate it. You will take damage when moving through blocks.
ChestESP - Allows you to see chests through walls.
Step - Allows you to step up full blocks, from 1 block to 100 blocks.
BlockHit - Automatically blocks whenever you hit something with a sword. Blockhitting was removed in 1.9.
TriggerBot - Automatically attacks the entity you're looking at.
Dolphin - Automatically swims for you when you are in water or lava.
FightBot - A bot that automatically fights for you. Walks around and kills everything.
Follow - A bot that follows the closest entity. Very annoying.
ItemESP - Allows you to see items through walls.
Jesus - Allows you to walk on water. Also allows you to walk on lava
ProphuntESP - Allows you to see fake blocks in Prophunt or Block Hunt.
Protect - A bot that follows the closest entity and protects it.
RemoteView - Allows you to see the world as someone else.
Spider - Allows you to climb up walls like a spider.
TrueSight - Allows you to see invisible entities.
Invisibility - Makes you invisible and invincible. Only works on Vanilla servers.
NoSlowdown - Cancels slowness effects caused by water, soulsand and using items (charging a bow, etc).
Glide - Makes you fall slowly, as if you had a hang glider.
HighJump - Makes you jump much higher.
Miley Cyrus - Makes you twerk like Miley Cyrus (makes you crouch and un-crouch constantly)
SpeedNuker - Faster Nuker that cannot bypass NoCheat+.
LSD - Makes everything rainbow and changing colours, also makes everything look squiggly.
Tunneller - Digs a 3x3 tunnel around you.
Regen - Regenerates your health 1000 times faster.
Derp - Makes you look like you are derping around on other peoples' screens.
NukerLegit - Slower Nuker that bypasses any cheat prevention plugin.
Nuker - Destroys blocks around you. Adjustable speed.
NoWeb - Prevents you from getting slowed down in webs.
AutoFarm - Automatically farms/harvests crops.
ArmorESP - Shows your enemies' armor.
PotionEffects - Shows active potion effects.
ClickNuker - Nukes selected blocks by clicking on them.
AutoShoot - Automatically shoots when your arrow is going to hit.
Forcefield - Makes you attack all that are around you. Practically identical to kill aura.
Sprint - Automatically sprints not only forwards, but also backwards, for you.