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Announcement Feature Suggestion Contest

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Retired Russian
/drop on all items
1)how does it work?
It's like the /drop enchant on the pickaxes but then you can enable it on every item you want
2) how will it inpact the game?
Not much, it's just that people drop swords and such on accident so this is to prevent it
3) what other details about the feature can you explain?
This enchant will be disabled automatically on all the items except the pickaxes. This enchant would be manually activated for free.
Thank you for taking time to make this suggestion, however, that would be a complete nightmare. It would take 5 years to clear an inventory of things. For that reason this wouldn’t be added to the game.


Ex Hippo Manager
Suggestion: Duel Arena with rank kits + enchantments you can add to swords.

1) How does it work? Basically you can invite any player to a duel, kits can either be randomly selected or chosen by a player and enchantments can be added to your weapon.

2) How will it impact the server? It will be a fun new mode that players can use to practice OP PvP against other players or to test out items with different attachments.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain? Players will be able to choose a kit to use or click a button that will randomly select a kit for them including random attachments to their weapon(s). It would be a good mode for pvpers to practice against others whilst using powerful stuff, and it will obviously be better than the god kit.
This is basically already a feature on the server


New Member
Credit Withdraw

1) How does it work? So it works the same as Etokens when taking them out just for the Credits instead

2) How will it impact the game? It will mean people can buy and trade Credits so that levelling up factory and other things credits can be used for is simpler to acquire

3) What other details about the feature can you explain? It would also give another trading option to people who need money and don't want to sell Etokens


New Member
1st Post: I like the idea! I believe it is replicating the black market dealer too much, so I'm not sure if they will look over that. Another thing is that I would like to see this on the server, but maybe as an event and not a permanent feature.
2nd Post: Could you possibly tell us how much the sword would be, or what enchants it would have? I like the idea of a new op weapon, though.
3rd Post: I don't really like this one. If it was for just weapons or tools I would understand, but I would not want to type "/drop" before dropping anything. If people have this issue they can change their dropkey.

Overall good ideas! I'm looking forward to seeing one of these on the server. :)
you dont get it it means that you can select if u want to type /drop before dropping that item -_-


New Member
More Suggestions

Brag Feature
1) How does it work?
Ability to type [brag] in chat if another player clicks on it it shows their inventory (like /invsee). (Available at like CandyLord rank and above.)
2) How will it impact the game?
It will allow players to show off multiple items they are trying to sell in 1 message to prevent chat spam of players selling multiple items at once.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Not Needed.

1) How does it work?
Currently XP and Spawners aren't the most sought after thing in the game, making the XP shop have more items like Credits and Etokens and possibly some different boosters would make grinding XP a bigger part of the gamemode.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will allow players to to more things other than mining
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Not Needed

/Withdraw Update
1) How does it work?
Ability to type stuff after a number to make withdrawing money easier. Example. /withdraw 1T or /withdraw 5B.
2) How will it impact the game?
It will make withdrawing money easier and less of a hassle for players.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Not Needed.

AH Update
1) How does it work?
Ability to type stuff after a number to make auctioning items easier. Example. /ah sell 1T or /ah sell 15B.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will get rid of the hassle of counting 0s for players.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Not Needed.

New Enchant
1) How does it work?
A new enchant that when mining automatically condenses ores into blocks.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will allow for more inventory space for the lower mines.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Self explanatory.


Dedicated Member
Suggestion: Letting players build parkour (Like the ones at /warp parkour)
1) How does it work? Placeable pressure plates that function the same way as the /warp parkour pressure plates do. There is a start and a finish, you step on the start and then get to the finish and it spits back your time at you and the owner of the parkour (disabled by /parkourmessages off or something).
You can do command /parkour create which gives you ten pressure plates. The first one you place down sets the start and the second one sets the end. If you place a third, that one becomes the end and the second becomes checkpoint 1. Upon placing them, you will be put into the parkour mode and you will have to verify the parkour yourself by beating it. Then you can do /parkour to open up a menu that has a pressure plate in it, and if you hover over it it says:
"FlaccidBaguette's Course #1
Fastest Clear time: X:XX
By - Partyfoul10
Average Clear time: X:XX"
/parkour delete/remove 1 (deletes the course obviously)
/parkour rename 1 Fugitive Head Parkour Part 7 (Kinda obvious as well)
/parkour clearlb 1 (clears the fastest and average times for the course)
/parkour tp Flaccidbaguette 1 (tps you to the start pressure plate)
/parkour leave (Sends you out of parkour mode)
/parkour leaderboard FlaccidBaguette 1 (Shows the top 9 times in a menu, heads with info text below saying the time)
/parkour removetime FlaccidBaguette (Removes a specific players time from the leaderboard instead of a full clear)
/parkour checkpoint (Teleports you back to the latest checkpoint)
and of course
/parkour restart (tps you back to the starting pressure plate)
2) How will it impact the game?
Currently the only way to host a parkour competition is the first to finish, but what if you wanted to host a parkour speedrun competition? Make a course and the top 3 fastest times by the end of the day get rewards (player funded of course).
Basically it will encourage players to build parkour for people to do when they get bored of mining, because instead of having to do /plot h:29 partyfoul10 for a parkour now you can just do /parkour tp partyfoul 1 which is a lot less confusing.
Also, due to there being a parkour system, the average player will be come better and better at parkour eventually to the point where I can start building actual hard jumps in parkour events.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
I know if this gets accepted it will be very low on the priority list as it is not the main focus of prisons, just a leisure thing to do on the side, but what would I suggest if not furnaces and parkour?
Obviously this would only be allowed in the plot world, as people could make a course in the freeworld and kill them otherwise
This system could also be used for mazes
It heals you when you step on the pressure plate, disables fly, disables all commands except /parkour commands and disables eating (no candy). If people want speed they can add a beacon or something.
Yeah this is basically the hyp*xel parkour system in player housing

- Shouldn't be too hard to code with the pre-existing parkour system (and also just not being that complex of a system)
- More plot involvement
- Variety of competitions
- Fun thing to do inbetween mining sessions
- I get $15, big win for FlaccidBaguette
- The average player gets better at parkour, letting events be harder and more fun for those already good at parkour
- Could also be used for mazes
- furnace

- Kind of a rip off (at least my suggestion is, you can customize it however you want!)

- Not very high impactful to the actual game, just side business
- Gotta give me $15, big loss for Saito
- Easy opportunity for bugs

Overall, not a bad suggestion, right? At least it would make me happy if it was accepted.


New Member
i have some ideas for the contest

Plot mines You can upgrade your plot mine with credits to get more lucky blocks in your pmine. This can also be upgraded 10x. Each time you upgrade 5 lucky blocks Will be added in the pmine Upgrade 1 costs 100 credits Upgrade 2 costs 250 credits Upgrade 3 costs 750 credits Upgrade 4 costs 2000 credits Upgrade 5 costs 5000 credits Upgrade 6 costs 10.000 credits Upgrade 7 costs 25.000 credits Upgrade 8 costs 50.000 credits Upgrade 9 costs 70.000 credits Upgrade 10 costs 100.000 credits Credits Like etokens credits should be transferable There should be a help page if you do /credit. It should say you can do /credit bal, /credit pay (name) and /credit withdraw. This credit withdraw Will also be on paper like money but darker paper you can also withdraw in any quantity
[doublepost=1585299257,1585299085][/doublepost]A new rank should be made named: candy knight This rank is between candylord and candyking. The colour of This rank is dark green.

It costs $45 to buy instantly and $15 to rank upgrade it from candylord there should be a /warp candyknight mine.

You should earn 15.25mil with a 1x multiplier and only a pickaxe in your inventory per /sellall.

The kit should consist of

-Candy knight pickaxe Fortune 35, unbreaking 60 , efficiency 70 and explosive 9

-Candy knight sword unbreaking 30, fire aspect 10 and sharpness 35

-Candy knight bow flame 5, power 9 and unbreaking 30

-Candy knight axe Fortune 35, unbreaking 60 and efficiency 70

-Candy knight shovel Fortune 35, unbreaking 60 and efficiency 70

-Candy knight helmet / chestplate / leggings / boots unbreaking 30, fire protection 35 and protection 30

- 64 steak

-64 arrows

-25 etokens

-64 experience bottles

-11 golden apples
[doublepost=1585302322][/doublepost]Check PDF below


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