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Announcement Feature Suggestion Contest

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Candy Grinder

1) How does it work?
You put a piece of candy in the grinder (For example a Starburst.) Then the grinder will make seeds for the candy, of course, it's not instant and, maybe for a stack of 64 Candy, it will take an hour to make seeds out of it.

2) How will it impact the game?
This would be a mid-game item. Allowing Players to make farms for candy resources and, instead of having to wait for the factory to make the candy you want you can just spend an hour getting seeds for the candy! The drawback is that it will take time to make seeds. So if a player needs 64x gobstopper seed they'll need 64x gobstoppers and the more rare the candy the longer it will take to make seeds for it! This may also help people who want a rare candy not have to pay for it on the ah.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Maybe you'll get this around Prestige 5 as a reward kinda like servants.

That's all it's a small sketch for something that would be nice in the candy market! :)
Suggestion: Laser Pickaxe

How does it work: This pickaxe can be pulled from super item crate keys. It is essentially like the Super Mega OP Pickaxe or the Fully Maxed Pickaxe, except it fires eggs at a fast rate when you right click it. The blocks the eggs hit are broken acting as if you broke them. Therefore you can mine without really moving. You just stand there and shoot eggs.

How does it impact the game: Well for starters, it is something else people can work. Right now everyone has "the best gear in the game". But with this addition, it gives people something else to work towards and max. It should be more op than the fully maxed pick so it should be much harder to pull. Also this pickaxe, the eggs should be able to deal knockback like a fishing rod in pvp. That'll be fun to be a part of and can help people in pvp get insane combos with extra KB.

What other features of this can you explain: This item should be considered "broken" but not like game breaking. It's just a fun item to add in the game right now to spice up the mining economy a bit. It gets repetitive going in a mine and mining. But standing above a mine and firing eggs down would make things better. It also doesn't just work in the mines. At your plot, you can shoot eggs at blocks and it'll destroy them too. It'll help with building and mining.


New Member
Suggestion: Withdrawing eTokens as one item
How does it work? When you will withdraw any amount of eTokens, you will get one item worth a certain amount of eTokens, much like the Boss Tokens notes, instead of each Token having its own individual item.
How will it impact the game? This will remove chances of scamming as now people can trade 1 money note item for one eToken note item instead of buying in 1024 Tokens pre trade max or just paying them and hoping that the recipient doesn’t scam you. This would also make putting up Tokens on the Auction House easier as you can only put up a certain amount of stacks of Tokens before you reach the Listings Limit.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain? I don’t really see much else to explain. I don’t think this would be hard to code in as we already have the same with Boss Tokens/money notes and wouldn’t take a very long time to add like e.g. a new boss or enchantment.

Posts were merged and the following text is a different suggestion for the server that I made a post about but it was merged with this one
[doublepost=1584140850,1584140023][/doublepost]Suggestion: Withdrawing Credits
How does it work? Players will be able to withdraw credits using a command, such as /credit withdraw <amount> which players can then right click to add the credits to their Credit balance and can further spend them on things like upgrading their factory.
How will it impact the game? Players will then be able to withdraw Credits which they can then sell to other players, effectively adding them into the server economy just like eTokens and Boss Tokens. This would make it possible to sell Credits as some people do not need them and will sell them for money which they need or vice versa.
What other details about the feature can you explain? This would be a great way to quickly max out your factory if you wish to do so, and therefore be able to use Candies that boost your performance on the server. The server would quickly establish a base/normal price for Credits based on demand/availability (like it is generally accepted that 1 eToken = 100 Mil).
Server Suggestion, More Item in /buy

1) How does it work?
On /buy, yes there are many things that you can get, but the problem is many of them is useless to endgame players or to people looking for IRL deals. I ask to add more items into /buy to give people more options into what they can get. One idea is in the "Prison's Extra'" Section, players can not only buy tags, but they can also buy cosmetics such as pets, disguises, chairs, and particles. Make them more expensive than the cosmetic crate keys so people will try to test their luck instead of spending more money.
2) How will it impact the game?
It will give people more options to get if they wanna do IRL deals, it will allow people to get exactly what they want from /buy instead of getting crate keys and having a chance to get what they want, and will make it a lot easier for IRL dealers to buy exactly what they instead of buying tons of crate keys for one rare particle *cough *chough Chris10172
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Honestly, there is a lot you can add to /buy, but here's some I can think of
The option to pick what cosmetics you want for more money depending or the rarity and making it cost more than cosmetic crates.
More helpful critters that can be used in mining or PVP and etc.
Money pouches or token pouches that give a much higher amount, in the trillions+ for money pouches and 10k+ tokens for the tokens. (ideally 2t per dollar, just like the IRL deal amount.)
Put back in extra ranks you removed, hoarder, gobbler, candy prince, or others to make it easier for players to get cheaper rank upgrades.
There is definitely more you can add, these are just some ideas I cooked up in 10 minutes. Adding more items will make players want to buy more, because mainly what everyone's buying is crate keys. Adding options to buy things that come directly from the crate keys so the players get what they want.
YES! Also, if you guys out a fully maxed out pickaxe on sale for $50 or something like that, I'd be so happy.
Suggestion: Mining Competition

1) How it works is every month or so you will have a competition to see who can mine and make the most money in a certain time limit like 1-2 hours and at the end the top 3 winners will win a very OP item or a rank based off the standings.

2) it will make it fun and very competitive and everyone will have fun and try to beat each other and strive to be the best

3) OK so the mining competition is where u must see who can mine the most blocks and make the most money in a short time span and the top 5 get something amazing like a rank then top 10 then top 25 until top 50 each rank getting something special and unique


New Member
Suggestion: Be able to spend XP on Enchantment Crystals
How will it work? Players will be able to spend XP levels/points on Enchantment Crystals which they can then use to enchant their items (the “Enchantment Crystals” I am referring to already exist in the game, like a Sharpness 1 Crystal). The reason this would be done with XP and not with eTokens is because low-end levels cost less than high-end levels, and then every crystal would have to cost same as the final level (rendering them useless) or people would take advantages of alts and loopholes (you get a crystal for cheap in your A0 alt and use it to upgrade your main).
How will it impact the game? It would make it much easier to obtain these Crystals as you can currently only get them from crates. This would also gave another use for XP as their only current use is spawners in the XPShop which most people don’t use as it is much more tedious to grind mobs.
What other features of this can you explain? This would make enchanting easier but not too easy. I think the best implementation of this would not to use XP levels as a higher level costs more to get but to instead use individual XP points (e.g. in Minecraft the first XP level is 7 XP points).
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Suggestion: Settings to remove /drop

1) How does it work?
There would be another area in /menu that is labelled as a Diamond Pickaxe. This area would be a place to be able to turn off the /drop feature.
This will help players that need to throw out a lot of pickaxes.

2) How will it impact the game?
This will open a faster way to PvP. There are some troll players that jump in warp PvP with an inventory FULL of pickaxes to annoy PvPers. This is very annoying because this could be used as a distraction for PvPers. People would come in with a full inventory of Pickaxes, the PvPer would be distracted on removing the pickaxes, then some godly pvper would come down and kill them while they are distracted.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Nothing else really. It's just a better way for PvPers to instantly remove pickaxes from their inventory and not get killed while in PvP doing it.
Suggestion: Be able to see amount of Boss Tokens on a Boss Token note (bTokens),

1) How does it work?

When you withdraw an amount of Boss Tokens, it creates a note (bTokens) with no indication of its value. My suggestion is to implement a game mechanic like the ones of Dollars where when you withdraw an amount of Boss Tokens, it show the amount of Boss Tokens on the note. Currently, when you withdraw eTokens you get 1 eToken per blaze powder. Therefore, a stack of eTokens = 64 eTokens. Boss Tokens notes can stack up too, but they do not have a fixed value. For example you could put up a 1 bToken very overpriced, and anyone could think that it is an actually a lot more, but they can't know until they right click the note.

2) How will it impact the game?

The Boss Token withdrawal note currently does not show the amount of Boss Tokens that are situated on the note. Therefore a player could buy a Boss Token note on the Auction for an overpriced amount of money (e.g. 25 trillion) and get only 1 Boss Token. With this new mechanic implemented in the game, players can see the amount of Boss Tokens on the note, therefore deciding if the price it is sold for is overpriced or not. This mechanic would also prevent scams and create a safer community for all the players.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

Boss Tokens should either have a fixed value like eTokens or all players should know the value of the bTokens such as Dollar notes. If the admins choose to make them like Dollar notes, then the value of the notes should be able to be seen in the Auction and the Trading Menu.


New Member
server suggestion: Chest drops

1) How does it work?
In the PVP area chest would spawn randomly and would have some good loot from money to enchants and the better the loot the lower percentage of getting it.

2) How will it impact the game?
It would add a new level of competition and it would make it easier for new players to get loot fast without buying it.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
There would also be items that make more chest appear but not only for the person using it but everyone on the server. There would also be random times on the server that would spawn more chest and the loot would be better, for example at 4:30 PM it would spawn more chest and better loot.

Sorry if there is any grammatically incorrect things here I am not good at writing
Server Suggestion: Add rewards for killing players in PvP

1) How does it work?
When killing players in PvP, in addition to their inventory, additional bonus items may drop as a reward for a kill. These rewards can range from mine bombs to crate keys.

2) How will it impact the game?
As of right now, PvP is a bit pointless. Other than for the Black Market and Envoys, there isn't much of a reason to jump into PvP. The Mine there isn't worth using too. By adding this feature, PvP will have more significance in this server and will invite more players to the PvP arena.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
The bonus drops are stored in a menu similar to mine crate rewards. Additionally, these drops are automatically deposited into this menu. This prevents others from stealing your drops.
Suggestion: Translating,
1) How does it work? Opblocks is considered to be a large professional server. When new people join now they all see english sentences in the game. When new people join now they all see English sentences in the game. But not everyone is English, or can read / speak English.I think we can improve the playing experience by working on different languages within the servers. I don't know how hard it is to code, but I thought it was a very good idea. There is also some coding so you can select a language. I have no idea if that is difficult to code.
2) How will it impact the game? It will ensure that most players can see the server in their own language, which makes the player experience better. This method can also be used in the forums. It is just to let people enjoy the server even more. It is a huge plus if you can play a server and see it in your own language. For example:
Originial: OPBLOCKS: You have sold 1285741 blocks and earned 28,3B
Translation: OPBLOCKS: Je hebt 1285741 blokken verkocht en 28,3B verdiend

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

A translation team must be put together to make this work. You can also hire people to do the translation work.


New Member
Suggestion: Keyalls on /buy

1) How does it work?
It works exactly how the /keyall command that everyone assumes the staff has works, everyone on the server gets the key that someone bought the keyall for with a message like "[player name] has purchased a [type of key] keyall for everyone!"
2) How will it impact the game?
Since everyone wants keyalls (proven by whenever some unexpected downtime happens) this will make the server happy, since most people who don't pay for ranks/keys/items on /buy can still get some items that they wouldn't be able to get otherwise.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
2 points 1. keyalls can not be cheap, since alot of high value items will be given out, so an epic box keyall would be the price of a servant key and a servant keyall might even be the price of clegend or cking and 2. there must be some gift for the keyall buyer, since this will cost alot there must be a reward to the person who bought the keyall, this can be a couple of extra keys of the one they keyalled or someother gift.


New Member
Idea- daily loggin reward

How does it work-
Everyday when you log onto the server it gives you a 1 day streak. If you log in two days in a row it adds to your streak. Once you get a High enough streak you get a reward. The higher the steak the better the reward.

How will it impact the game-
It will keep players wanting to play on the server more and keep them active.

Other details-
When you log on a screen will pop up saying how long your streak is and if you can claim your reward.


New Member
Mr Crainer
1) How does it work?
So you pay Mr Cariner money and he will play on the server
2) How will it impact the game?
The player count will change dramatically with a large increase of 5 year old fortnite fans because who doesn’t love them.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Not really much I can say other than this is a @Amazing idea.


big cat manager
This is from @ShadowTigr because they cannot post it themselves due to a spam error:

"Server Suggestion

Buying boss tokens with credits so that people who do not specialize in gear can also get boss tokens through mining and chat games.

This would help the lower level players cause this would mean that they could also get boss tokens because normally only higher players get them since boss fights require high sharpness and enchants on swords or bows.

This would let the community grow higher in wealth so it would be a bit more balanced for those who haven't spent money on the server.

Price Ranges

100 credits for 5 bt
300 credits for 25 bt
500 credits for 50 bt

I really hope that this will be added do to the pure fact that people will need better gear to raise themselves in game."
Suggestion: Customizable Pickaxe

1) How does it work?
Players will be allowed to spend money on advances they want for their pickaxes. Every pickaxe could be different in what it's best at.

2) How will it impact the game?
Players who might be frustrated because of the lack of skill their pickaxe has can now have their dream pickaxe and will succeed.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
A player's choice of upgrade could lead to a hard decision. They could pick one option, but not both. This decision could lead to various upgrades that not very many people could get. The pickaxe could also have special abilities that may have a cooldown. The cooldown could also be reduced.


Dedicated Member
I'm stealing @JBCubed 's idea of a candy grinder but making it better
1) How does it work?
You take candy that you don't want and you put it in a processor. When the processing is done you get a random amount of candy shards. Refined candy takes the shortest to process and delicious takes the longest to process. Delicious also gives the most candy shards. You can right click a stack of shards to create a candy upgrader, which, as you can assume, upgrades candy.
Candy grinders will be another place to spend credits just like the factory as you will be able to upgrade speed, # of shards, and... fragment drop chance.
Sometimes, very rarely, the grinder can process a candy fragment instead of a candy shard. Candy fragments can be used much like mining shards to make a candy boss. I don't care how much HP this boss has, but the important thing is that instead of getting epic box keys and cookie cruncher keys, the #1 damage dealer gets 10 random delicious candy of one type, #2 gets 5 and #3 gets 3. #4 and #5 both get 10 random tasty candy of one type. (i.e. 10 gobs not 3 gob 2 razz 5 lifesavers, etc.).
2) How will it impact the game?
  • Place to spend credits
  • Upgrade candy in a unique way
  • New boss
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
This is just my idea of what I want fragments and shards to do, if you want fragments/shards to be taken in another way I still want my money
Also if you do introduce upgrading candy via this or any other way, please make it expensive so the gob market doesn't die
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