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Announcement Feature Suggestion Contest

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Suggestion: Skyblock warzone balance patch

1) How does it work?

Changing small details about the game defense, damage and movement systems. As things are right now, pvp in the warzone takes a very long time and in most cases someone can get away from the fight with ease using ender pearls. Slightly increasing the damage of weapons or slightly decreasing the defense of armors can fix this problems as well as increasing the duration of ender pearl cooldown. Pearls will now be used more for taking distance so you can eat/drink potions and less for teleporting away forever

2) How will it impact the game?

The warzone pvp will be a lot more fun, fights being done at a faster pace. Running away from a fight will take more skill to do.
Server Suggestion, Spawners and Freeworld

1) How does it work?
Spawners have been in the game for a while, but never really had any uses with it. It didn't have good drops, gave barely any money, and we couldn't even kill all of our stacked blazes in time before they despawned due to the item despawn timer. We need to buff spawners and make them useable in the free world again. Many versions ago, spawners were the way to go to get some money, due to them dropping candy that we can use /sellall with. At the moment, killing mobs are pretty useless, they give XP, which can only be used for more spawners. Adding claiming in /freeworld and having mobs drop candy instead of straight-up money is a great way to get spawners used again.
2) How will it impact the game?
It will make people want to get more exp and actually get more spawners because many people treat them as nothing atm. Also, players will be able to use the free world and build things knowing people cant greif them because they own the land. Making them drop candy is good because then people can set up chests where they can then come to, grab items, and use sellall, which gives more money based on your based multiplier. This might encourage people to get higher ranks because the higher the rank the better the multiplier.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Make stacked mobs easier to kill, with the number of spawners I had, there was a total of 2100 blazes spawned in a couple of mins, and I was definitely not ready to click 2100 times to get barely any money. Make blazes easier to kill while also making it not laggy, keeping it one entity. I suggest that they have very little hp even when stacked so we can kill them in one tap, making it much much easier to kill all the blazes more efficiently and not making our fingers hurt. Because candy no longer sells in /sellall, make them drop some other item, though I'm not sure what. Or you could just make them drop more money in general and increase the money based on a multiplier.
Suggestion: Up-gradable spawners
1) How does it work?
Let players upgrade their spawners with Etokens, credits and balance to increase the spawn-rate, money on kill, drop chance and drop quality. Kind of like how factories can be upgraded.
2) How will it impact the game?
It would make spawners a more viable option for candy or money. Right now they aren't really worth it to spend money on because they don't drop alot of items, and you barely get any money from killing the mobs. If you can upgrade spawners people would have a use for Etokens and Credits after maxing out their pic, pet and minions. Credits would also get another use, besides upgrading your factory and buying mediocre multipliers.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
The idea of spawners is amazing, another way of getting Candy and Booster-notes is great.But it takes ages to get the xp for a spawner, and once you get it it also takes ages to collect decent candy and booster notes.


New Member
Yet Another Suggestion: Golden Candy
1) How does it work?
Golden candy is a type of candy that your factory can produce. An example might be "Golden Gobstopper" and it would provide the bonus of that candy but much more powerfully. Golden Candy has the added effect of being able to be used multiple times. They would have a recharge (maybe a day or week) and could be used again and again. To reset a candy you would go into the factory menu and select a new option called recharge golden candy. It would cost some credits as well as time (You could also substitute money or etokens).
2) How will it impact the game?
I think it will have a very positive impact on the gameplay as when I use a piece of candy I always feel like I shouldn't because I might want to use it later. This could remove that effect. Also, it adds to factory, a mechanic I would love to see updated.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
See section 1


New Member


1) How does it work?
You will be able to buy a backpack for X amount of etokens and upgrade them with etokens.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will allow people who don't want to p2w for /autosell to be able to go a little longer before having to /sell because currently they have to sell every 5 seconds.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Basic Prisons backpack

Plot Top System

1) How does it work?
There would be value blocks you can either buy or a point system you can buy points for in game money, it would allow for weekly paypal or buycraft rewards to the top 3 or 5 plots to make it a little more competitive.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will make more things to buy and aim for, this will encourage the competitive side of players.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Basic system where you can help compete to be the best on the server as a team

AutoSell Enchant
1) How does it work?
This feature could have 3 ways it could work, either a chance to sell items for every block mined, it could autosell after X blocks mined or it could autosell after X minutes or seconds of mining per enchant level.
2) How will it impact the game?
Will allow players to mine easier and not have to buy top rank in order to succeed late game.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Basically just another enchant.

1) How does it work?
When mining there is a X% chance of finding a crystal, inside this crystal it could have a chance to find etokens, money, exp, etc.
2) How will it impact the game?
More items to find when mining other than just Lucky Blocks
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Basically a tiny crate key that isn't as good as normal crates but still has some useful things inside of it.

1) How does it work?
Would be like a "Fortnite BattlePass" so to say except in game, i'm sure you're familiar with this feature from countless other servers by now. Would cost like $10 on the store and you could complete challenges to level it up and gain rewards
2) How will it impact the game?
Another thing to grind for other than money, allowing progression in more ways.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Accessed by /pass or /oppass with a list of challenges and rewards per tier you make it through.

1) How does it work?
You type /tinkerer and you can throw enchanted items into it to get X%
2) How will it impact the game?
Will allow players to remake pickaxes if they gain a better one, lets say they started playing with a Muncher pickaxe then a few weeks later come across an OP Pickaxe it will let them take tokens off it and make the OP pickaxe instead.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Nothing else needed

Grind Enchant
1) How does it work?
Sword enchant that gives more XP per mob killed
2) How will it impact the game?
Allow players to grind XP easier
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Just a new Custom Enchant

Servant Update
1) How does it work?
A new upgrade that lets the servant work while you're offline
2) How will it impact the game?
Makes people not have to AFK for their servants to work
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
None Needed

Flight Enchant
1) How does it work?
Ability to buy Flight 1 Enchant for your pickaxe, it will either allow you to fly only in mine zones or allow you to fly for X seconds after breaking a block.
2) How will it impact the game?
Allow players to mine better
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
None Needed

Change how to add money to bids in the bidding section of the AH
1) How does it work?
You click on lets say a sign and it opens up a sign and allows you to put your bid in that way or allows you to type your bid in chat so you don't have to add +1000$ at a time to a bid from $0 to finally reach 140mil or something crazy
2) How will it impact the game?
Allow players to actually use the bidding section of AH
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
None Needed

Will add more this was just what I had written down
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New Member
Monthly Giveaway
(This idea is for skyblock, but can be incorporated in prison.)

1. How does it work?

A Player who votes 10 time for the oplocks network automatically is entered to this giveaway and receives a raffle ticket, once entered every 2 votes after this puts a extra raffle ticket, to see your votes and all of your raffle tickets you can do /raffle. if you win these raffles you can win a large variety of things, some if these things include fly notes, vote keys, money, up to 3 silverfish spawners, or anything else that you would like.

2. How will it impact the game?

this will impact the game for some new players who need help, raise the server economy reduce chat spam by beggers, activity from players, and give more of a reason to vote from players who are more experienced and do not need 20k or somewhat small rewards. this would also be amazing for players who have a busy life and still make time to play,

3. If you wish, you can add a pay to win feature, where a dollar is equal to a raffle ticket, if you do add this future, and its poupular it would be great to separate the raffle. other wise then that I feel this idea is exactable, if any questions, my discord is Fake#9624 and my ign is the_flat_pizza17
Suggestion: Heads that can be claimed for money.
1) How does it work?
When you kill a player in PvP and their head drops you can either shift-Right Click to claim around 5-10% of that players balance or if you just regular right click you can place the head.
2) How will it impact the game?
This will impact the game by increasing the amount of people trying to pvp in-order to gain more money. Newer players are always trying to get more money to rank-up and with this new feature added they wouldn't have to be asking in chat constantly. The amount of of money claimed by the heads would vary player to player giving a greater target for higher players instead of all the big names teaming up.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Many servers have this feature already and their PvP arenas are always full. Therefore I believe if this feature were to be added OPBlocks will have a much greater reason to go PvP.
Make a banana boomarang
How does it work? It works by right clicking with your mouse and you throw a boomarang that looks like a banana and explodes.
It will impact the game by haveing a new explosion item that should have a huge explosion and should be one of the rarest items that you can only get from a certain crate.
I also think you should add a new crate with all the explosion items in the game, and how you would get the crate from buying it from the blackmarket dealer and the opblocks store.
Suggestion: Etoken Notes
1) How does it work?
When withdrawing etokens you would receive a single item that contains the amount of etokens you withdrew, similar to the Bank notes and Btoken Notes.
2) How will it impact the game?
Etoken notes would have a positive impact on gameplay as it would reduce the odds of people scamming people for large amounts of etokens and prevent the need to buy individual stacks of 64 from ah
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
Etoken notes, unlike Btoken notes, should display the amount of etokens contained within the note to prevent AH scams


New Member
Server suggestion: buffing ranked mines

1) How does it work?

Quite simple, by making the items sold in certain ranked mines worth more than pmines (or vice versa), the main attraction of the rank you bought is now an actual interest.

2) How would it affect the game?

Right now ranked mines aren't very used because of how strong pmines are. Even the Clegend mine is weaker than some pmines. So if you boosted the amount of money ranked mines' blocks are worth and/or nerfed the amount the each block is worth in pmines, it would balance the pmines - Ranked mines ratio. At the moment, Ranked mines are kinda useless and I've thought this would be a good and balanced change for a while now.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

Don't make it so that it's all the ranked mines, just a few (like Clord - Clegend)


New Member
Suggestion: Player Plot Shops

1) How does it work? In your plot you can place a chest and a sign which allows you to buy from that chest making player shops for selling E-Tokens or other goods people might need and cant get from shops

2) How will it impact the game? it will let players be able to sell items without the hassle of writing commands of payment and it makes it so you can still gain some money whilst offline when you sell things

3) What other details about the feature can you explain? it would help players who need and item but just dont know how to get it and it will also help players who need that little bit extra cash


New Member
Suggestion: Boss Update

1) How does it work?

On OPBlocks whenever a user places down a boss they get the same rewards as everyone else assuming they get over 2k damage or become the top 5 damage, however I feel like whoever places down the boss egg should get more than that, I think whoever places down the egg should be guaranteed atleast an epic key.

I think this would balance the bosses out abit as newer players seem to be the ones spawning them in without knowing they're going to get nothing because everyone else will kill it before the newer user can get above 2k damage.

2) How will it impact the game?

I think this will positively impact the game just because I feel like people hold off on spawning in boss eggs if they know they get nothing for it, this means that if this was implemented they wouldn't hold on to eggs, rather they would use them.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

Don't make the reward too op, just something like a key so it's still a normal prize for using an egg.
Server Suggestion: Caramel Apples

1) How would it work?

Caramel apples would be a candy type produced by the Candy Factory or found in minecrates or crates. It would be similar to the Starburst candy type, however it would yield an etoken boost instead of a credit boost. This means that if a player normally got 20 etokens, then they would get an addition 10, 20, or 40 etokens due to the boost. Due to the overpowered nature of this item, it's duration would be very short, between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.

2) How will it impact the game?

At higher levels, it takes thousands of etokens just for a single upgrade. Adding Caramel apples would allow higher level players to get etokens at a much faster rate. In addition, it could also become a source of revenue for candy-makers, as most other candy in the market is worthless. This would benefit everyone: The candy makers, pvpers, miners, etc.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

If you make it so that Caramel apples require a tier four or five quality factory to produce, then the cost of this item would increase. It would make it so that lower level players are encouraged to sell the item to higher level players if they manage to get their hands on it. This would then further benefit the lower levels. It could also bring life back to the candy business.

Server Suggestion: Improved Explosive Enchant

1) How would it work?

As of right now, the explosive enchant kind of sucks. It has a chance of destroying everything in a one block radius. Due to the nature of the server and all blocks being insta-destroyed (for most pickaxes), this enchant is not noticeable. Thus, enchants like Jackhammer, drill, etc. are strongly preferred. The new explosive enchant would make it so that mining a block has a chance to set off a minebomb. Here is a rough idea of how it would go:

Level 1: 1% chance of setting off level 1 minebomb
Level 2: 1.5% chance of setting off level 1 minebomb
Level 3: 2% chance of setting off level 1 minebomb
Level 4: 2.2% chance of setting off level 1 minebomb.
Level 5: 1.2% chance of setting off level 2 minebomb.

2) How will it impact the game?

This would encourage players to buy the explosive enchant on their pickaxe as opposed to jackhammer or drill. As a result, the cost for explosive would need to be increased. This would ultimately increase the demand for etokens, helping drive the market for such items (Caramel apples? Maybe?). However, it would also result in more players buying shop pickaxes, as they come with explosive 10 or higher.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

As stated earlier, players like me couldn't care less about the explosive enchant. This enchant would make this enchantment loved. At the high levels, it would begin to become stupidly overpowered, however the amount of etokens invested in the item would be extreme.


New Member
Suggestion: Soda

1) How does it work?

It's a custom potion/splash potion that you would brew using different types of candy combos, for example, brewing gobstoppers with tinglers together would make a positive or negative custom potion effect that would help mining if positive and PVP if negative, you would brew this on a custom brewing stand. These will also have refined, tasty and delicious tiers, it just depends on which tier you brew.

2) How will it impact the game?

It would enhance multiple parts of the game such as mining and PVP to enhance them and bring them more in-depth

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

These will have similar times to normal potions.
You cannot brew different tiers with each other, for example, refined with tasty refined with delicious etc.
Suggestion: Disenchanter

1) How does it work?

There will be an NPC at /spawn and the command /disenchant and this will disenchant all enchants on a pickaxe and give you 75% of your eTokens back, however it can only do it on custom enchants so that people can't use their kit pickaxes to disenchant and get eTokens that easily.

2) How will it impact the game?

I think that this will positively impact the game as I personally don't want to get a new pickaxe (I'd imagine others do too) as I've spent an absurd amount of eTokens upgrading it, however with this feature if you get a new pickaxe you can get 75% of your eTokens back so that you can use them on a new pickaxe.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

There should be some type of cooldown so people cannot spam this and the % should possibly be beneath 75% so they still have to grind alot to get to where their old pickaxe was before. You could also possibly make people have to pay money to disenchant their pickaxe, like $100billion or something.
You can already un enchant things.


New Member
Suggestion: Soda

1) How does it work?

It's a custom potion/splash potion that you would brew using different types of candy combos, for example, brewing gobstoppers with tinglers together would make a positive or negative custom potion effect that would help mining if positive and PVP if negative, you would brew this on a custom brewing stand. These will also have refined, tasty and delicious tiers, it just depends on which tier you brew.

2) How will it impact the game?

It would enhance multiple parts of the game such as mining and PVP to enhance them and bring them more in-depth

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?

These will have similar times to normal potions.
You cannot brew different tiers with each other, for example, refined with tasty refined with delicious etc.

You can already un enchant things.
But not get your eTokens back, I'm fully aware of what you can do. This also isn't the place to say it.


New Member
1) How would it work
So players can make ther one Mini Game by buying a mini-game plot and then they build the mini game they want to do like build battle, hunger game, parkour race etc and the can chose the settings for it so and they can put so u have to pay an amount to entran the game the all the money get added up and the winner wins it all.

2) How will it impact the game?
I think it would make the players play more so they can build these giant mini-games and people would enjoy it a lot because it will give them something they can always do if they are bored or they wanna win some money from just playing and not grinding.

3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
The events Plots will be expensive along 100bil to 3 trillion depends how big the plot is and the player that set it up can set a percentage for 5% to 30% cut from the main price hold
Suggestion: Filter
1) How does it work?
You can filter items you pick up so when you are in PVP or wherever you are you don't pick up items that you don't want.
2) How will it impact the game?
Better for PVP and when you build. You won't be able to be inventory bombed when you are in PVP.
3) What other details about the feature can you explain?
/filter and you can click on toggle or change items you want to filter in a GUI.

P.S. Not making huge paragraphs for no reason
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