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Was I a good lil helper nub? ;P

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Well-Known Member
OPBlocks Letter of Resignation



Dear OPBlocks community,

Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation as a helper nub at OPBlocks, effective immediately.

After a period of consideration, I have decided to move on to another server. I have truly enjoyed working with our flock at OPBlocks. Teaching the word of the Lord has been my life’s passion, and it has been incredibly rewarding to watch our members accept Jesus into their hearts and enrich their lives.

Under your leadership, I have no doubt that OPBlock’s strong service to God will prosper for years to come. Thank you for the advice and mentoring these past few months. It has been a privilege to work and grow with you.


Peace out nerds <3

Kidding that isn’t my resignation post, just had to add it for the joke ;) Now onto the real post.

Nope, I was not demoted as the title suggests, I have decided to resign (Thanks for the title Far ;P). I have been thinking about it ever since the player base started to drop mid V6. The main reasons I have chosen to resign were due to management and disrespect.

Starting with management, it takes way to long for something to get done. For example, the lag in V7. It has been a major problem at the start and there has been no attempt at resolving it. It makes it worse when players go to you to fix these problems when you can do nothing about it. On another note, the staff team now has a policy that you can't staff on another server? Sounds kinda ridiculous. Most of the staff team were forced to resign from another server, in order to maintain their staff positions here. Aoros and Phase are staffing on multiple servers, which makes me wonder why we couldn't? The disrespect I have been getting these last few weeks has been too much. Players on the server are getting angered with the helpers for things they cannot control. I would get many complaints about the lag, purchases not going through and all the bugs that still need fixing on the server. We have been taking all the hits by the newer members, while the management sat back and did nothing.

Another big reason I have decided to resign was the direction the server has been heading. Its rapid declination of players starting in V6. The staff team decided not to listen to the community, and to do what they wanted. Ignoring the player’s wants and suggestions added to less content available which made the server drop in players the most.

I feel the reason why Opblocks is still up is because it still makes the management money. I also felt that we were being used to help keeping the dying server running. Some members of the staff team are hardly ever online leaving the few active staff helping the players. The poll blake had made on his suggestion about the server had: 0-Server is getting better and 18-Server is getting worse.This poll made the management team finally open their eyes that there has to be a change.

Screenshot is after I told Aoros helpers get disrespected on the server.

Due to my enjoyment for the server I will continue playing as a member, and I do hope the server gets better. PEACE OUT NERDS!

Sincerely, Lefky10


Active Member
1. Its sad to see you go, you will be missed by app fo us on the staff team.
2. Jesus is in all of our hearts because of you.


Active Member
Damn, sad to see Lefky leave after trying to force me to stay for v7... Also, "Keep trying", yup... Sure. Good luck with that.
I am saddened to see you go Nerd <3 and I wish the best for you in your choice. Please don't forget to also share the good word about our second lord and savior the great flying spaghetti monster.
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Dedicated Member
:( Lefky say it isn't so! I will always miss your kicks and despawning my pickaxe </3 You will be missed


Well-Known Member
1. Its sad to see you go, you will be missed by app fo us on the staff team.
2. Jesus is in all of our hearts because of you.
1. I will miss you all (except you ofc)
2. All Praise Jesus

Damn, sad to see Lefky leave after trying to force me to stay for v7... Also, "Keep trying", yup... Sure. Good luck with that.
I'm not leaving smh, just no more cool tag.

I am saddened to see you go Nerd <3 and I wish the best for you in your choice. Please don't forget to also share the good word about our second lord and savior the great flying spaghetti monster.
All hail The Great Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Hehehehehehe sorry JustACookie for stealing him but eh

Nice title btw
Title is hot

:( Lefky say it isn't so! I will always miss your kicks and despawning my pickaxe </3 You will be missed
Ill still kick ya ;) I have my ways >:D
Bye lefky you were great, very effective, and active staff. Hopefully current staff team learns a little something. I’ll miss you. Now you’re just ctitan nub and I can bully without getting muted for staff dr <3

Good luck on our other opportunities cough cough far cough cough


Well-Known Member
Why do I have a feeling this thread has a kind of, to put it short, "if you can't beat them join them" vibe to it? Adios and goodbye folk!
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